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本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 智能台灯设计 指导教师 职称 助教(硕士) 学生姓名 学号 专 业 自动化 班级 2班 院 系 电子信息工程学院(电子系) 完成时间 2011年4月30日 智 能 台 灯 摘 要 台灯已是千家万户的必需生活用品,在装修和娱乐行业中日渐成为一种不可或缺的装饰品。但因此,日常生活中,人们经常忘记关灯,带来了巨大的不必要的能源消耗,再者,天黑人们进入房间,很不方便的去打开开关,甚至能带来安全隐患。 本设计制作了一种基于单片机控制的红外智能台灯。其原理是:以人体红外辐射(波长为9.5um)为传感信号,当人体在台灯的范围内且环境光强较弱时,自动感应开灯,省去摸黑开灯的麻烦;当人离开台灯传感器检测范围,自动感应关灯。当坐姿不正确,距桌面太近时灯光控制电路控制灯光变暗,若在一定时间内未离开桌面则自动熄灭;当纠正好坐姿则消除警报,灯光变亮。 本文设计的智能台灯,是单片机在智能小家电中的一个典型应用,具有成本低、实用性强、易于推广的特点,因此具有很好的应用前景。 关键词:台灯/单片机/红外 SMART LAMP ABSTRACT Lamp is the necessary vital commodity to millions of households, it also to be a kind of needs in the field of deconomy and entertainment.But, the enormous waste of energy is made by forgetting to turn off the lights.The more,when night comes, people took to turn on the lights very inconvenient when they be in the house,indeed it comes to bring safe hidden trouble. This design based on single-chip processor control infrared intelligent desk lamp. Its principle is: to the human body infrared radiation (um) for 9.5 wavelength for sensing signals, when human body in desk lamp and environment within the scope of the light intensity weaker, automatic induction lights, save tarnished open lamp trouble, When people leave desk lamp sensor detection range, automatic induction lights out. When sitting position is not correct, is apart from desktop too close lighting control circuit control the lights dimmed, if be in a certain time had not left desktop will automatically gone out. When the correct posture is to eliminate alarm, lights brighten. The paper presents the design of intelligent microcomputer in the desk lamp, it is one of the typical application of intelligent small home appliance, with lower cost, practical strong, easy to generalize the characteristic, therefore it has a good application prospect. KEY WORDS lamp,single-chip processor,infrared radiation 目 录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 1 绪 论 1 1.1论文选题的背景 1 1.2 论文选题的意义 1 1.3 论文


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