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清洁压裂液体系配方优选与性能评价 摘要 本文针对三种不同的清洁压裂液,通过大量试验,对比各种配方在不同温度下的粘度,优选出三种压裂液的最佳配方,并确定其适用的地温条件。实验结果显示,复配的阳离子型清洁压裂液适用于60℃以下的中低温条件;C型两性清洁压裂液适于90℃以上的高温酸性地层;D型两性压裂液适用于90℃高温碱性条件。最后对这几种压裂液进行了性能评价,结果显示三种压裂液都具有良好的稳定性和携砂能力,遇油和水都能自动破胶,破胶快速彻底。除D型VES压裂液的破胶液含有100mg/L的残渣并对地层有较低伤害外,另外两种VES压裂液破胶后无残渣、无伤害,是性能优良的压裂液体系。 关键词: 清洁压裂液;配方;粘度;性能评价 ABSTRACT In this paper, the best formula and the appropriate pH and temperature conditions of three different kinds of viscoelastic surfactant fluids are filtered out by comparing their formulations at different temperatures. Studies suggest that the cationic viscoelastic surfactant fluids made up of chemical A and B is suitable for the formation where the temperature is below 60℃.The gender viscoelastic surfactant fluids coded C is suitable for the formation where the temperature is above 90 ℃.The gender fracturing fluid coded D is fit for high temperature and alkaline environment. Finally, we evaluated the properties of the three kinds of fracturing fluid, the results show that the three kinds of fracturing fluid have nice stability and sand carrying capacity. Their structure can be broken by oil and water. The broken glue has no residues and is harmless for formation, except for D-VES fracturing fluid whose broken glue contains a little residue and is a little noxious for formation. All in all, the three kinds of viscoelastic surfactant fluids are good fracturing fluid system. Keywords: viscoelastic surfactant fluids; formula; properties 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 压裂液简介 2 1.2.1 压裂液的组成及作用 2 1.2.2 压裂液的类型 3 1.2.3 压裂液的性能要求 6 1.2.4 压裂液发展概况 8 1.3 压裂液的伤害机理 9 1.3.1 压裂液在储层中滞留造成液堵 10 1.3.2 破胶残渣对储层的损害 10 1.3.3 水基压裂液造成粘土膨胀和颗粒运移 10 1.3.4 压裂液对储集层的冷却效应 10 1.3.5 压裂液与原油乳化造成贾敏效应 11 1.4 VES清洁压裂液成胶破胶机理 11 1.5 清洁压裂液国内外研究现状 13 1.5.1 国外低伤害压裂液研究情况 13 1.5.2 国内清洁压裂液研究进展 14 1.6 研究目的与意义 15 1.7 研究内容 16 第2章 清洁压裂液的配方优选 17 2.1 实验部分 17 2.1.1 实验仪器 17 2.1.2 实验药品 17 2.1.3 实验方法 17 2.2 实验结果与讨论 18 2.2.1 A和B复配的阳离子VES压裂液配方优选 18 2.2.2 C型两性VES压裂液的配方优选 21 2.2.3 D型两性VES压裂液配方优选 24 2.2.4 确定压裂液适用条件


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