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PAGE lw 湖南工业大学本科毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 印刷机是印刷文字和图像的机器。半自动曲面丝印机主要由升降机构、印樽座、网臂、网版、印刷装置、机箱以及相应的传动系统等组成。丝网印刷机是过滤版(亦称孔版)印刷的一种形式,是四大印刷方法之一。丝网印刷可以适用于某些特殊的印刷要求。丝网印刷起源于中国秦汉时期的夹缬印花方法,已有两千多年的应用历史。由于种种原因,我国的丝印技术发展缓慢,远远落后于欧美各国和日本。随着科学技术的发展,丝网印刷的应用日益广泛,丝网印制版和印刷工艺水平不断提高,丝网印刷机也在不断改良和完善。网印刷机属于孔版印刷机中较有代表性的印刷设备,它的印版是一张由真丝等材料编织而成的纵横交错、经纬分明的丝网。已经生产的有平面、曲面、成形、印染、印刷电路和新型轮转等多种丝网印刷机。 制作丝网的材料除真丝外,还可用尼龙丝、铜丝、钢丝或不锈钢丝等。丝网印刷机应用的孔版印刷原理起源于古代的模版印刷。孔版印刷有誊写版、镂空版喷花和丝网印刷等多种形式。 关键词:丝网印刷 印刷材料 材料力学 Abstract Printing press is the machine printed text and images.Semi-automatic screen printing machine is made elevator,India bottles Block,net arm,net screen, printing device,the chassis and the corresponding transmission and other components. Screen printing is a filter version (also known as hole version) print a form, is one of the four printing. Screen printing can be applied to some special printing requirements. Screen printing originated in China during the Qin and Han Valerian folder printing method, the application of more than two thousand years of history.For various reasons, the slow development of Chinas printing technology, lags far behind Europe and the United States and Japan. With the development of science and technology, increasingly widespread application of screen printing, screen printing and print technology has improved continuously, screen printing are also constantly improved and perfected. Network printing presses are porous in the more representative the printing equipment, it is a printed version of silk and other materials by the criss-cross woven, warp and weft clear the screen.Has produced a flat, surface, forming, printing, printed circuit, and a new variety of rotary screen printing machine. Key words: screen printing, squeegee printing materials, material mechanics, elastic modulus. lw 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc295202671 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc295202671 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc295202672 1.1印刷机械的发展 PAGEREF _Toc295202672 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc295202673 1.1.1印刷机械的发展历程



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