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Process measurement and control instrument 工业自动化仪表
Thermometer 温度计
Thermometer element 测温元件
Thermometer wire 热电偶丝
Measuring junction 测量端
Extension wire 补偿端
Reference wire 基准点
Emf measuring device 热电势测量表
Element with double insulators 带双孔绝缘子元件
Element with asbestos insulators 带石棉绝缘子元件
Connection head 接线盒
Angle fitting 弯头
Protecting tube 保护管
Ceramic insulator 陶瓷绝缘子
Terminal block 端子块
Conduit 导线管
Thermocouple Thermometer 热电偶温度计
Resistance thermometer 电阻温度计
Resistance winding 电阻绕组
Vibration proof tube 防震管
Mounting thread 安装螺纹接头
Terminal 端子
Head cover 接线盒盖
Rating plate / name plate铭牌
Rubber packing 橡皮垫
Water proof plug 防水塞
Thermistor 感温元件
Lead wire 引线
Head mount temperature transmitter 顶装式温度变送器
Field mount temperature transmitter 现场安装式温度变送器
Rail mount (control room) temperature transmitter 轨道安装式(控制室)温度变送器
Head mount (integral) temperature transmitter with LCD meter顶装式(一体化)带液晶显示表温度变送器
Electronics module 电子模块
Sanitation type thermo well 卫生型温度计套管
Flanged thermo well法兰连接的温度计套管
Weleded thermo well 焊接连接的温度计套管
Threaded thermo well 螺纹连接的温度计套管
Armored sensor (thermocouple or resistance) 铠装感温元件(热电偶或热电阻)
Standard extension 标准延长管
Nipple -union -nipple extension 活接头和两根短管组成的延长管
Spring loaded armored sensor 带弹簧压紧的铠装感温元件(热电偶或热电阻)
Terminal block armored sensor 带端子块的铠装感温元件(热电偶或热电阻)
Flying lead armored sensor不带端子块的铠装感温元件(热电偶或热电阻)
Nipple-union extension 短管和活接头组成的延长管
Cover with wiring diagram label 带接线简图的变送器盖
Housing with permanent terminal block 带端子块的变送器壳
LCD meter 液晶显示表
Cover with glass 带玻璃面板的变送器盖
Radiation pyrometer 辐射高温计/光学高温计
Filled system thermometer 压力式温度计
Bimetallic thermometer 双金属温度计
Bimetallic sensor双金属感温元件
Capillary tubing 毛细管
Thermal system bulb温包
Filling fluid 充填介质
Jam nut 锁紧螺母
Housing 表壳
Pointer 指针
Scale /Dial 刻度盘
Bourdon tube 弹簧管
Actuating unit传动机构
Finned bulb 翅片式温包
Short coil bulb 短圈温包
Long bulb长圈温包
Protect bulb带保护套管温包
Wall mounting bulb 壁装温包
Instrument case 外壳
Sealing ring密封圈
Circle nut 圆螺母
Male thread connector 外螺纹接头