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Who am I? 卫星通信技术/Satcom {卫星通信基础/Satcom ABC 通信卫星资源/Comsat resource 卫星通信网/Network 链路设计/Link budget 建站开通/Installation 干扰与异常/Interference 降雨衰耗/Rain atten 工作频段/Freq bands 轨位协调/Coordination 中国广播卫星/China DBS 常用数据表/Tables 友情参与/Visitors area} 技术文章/Articles 科技译文/Translations 其他作品/Others 生命的延续/My family
卫星通信基础 / Satcom ABC
* 静止卫星 / GSO satellite
* 卫星通信的历史与现况 / Satellite, the past and the present
* 卫星通信的特点 / Properties of satcom
* 卫星通信的分类 / Classifications for satcom
* 常用工作频段
* 常用极化方式
* 频率极化计划与通信转发器
* 分贝的概念
* 传输损耗
* 面反射天线
* 转发器的主要参数
* I/O关系曲线与功率回退
* 有关论文
静止卫星 / GSO satellite
GSO satellites are locating and operating at geostationary orbit. Geostationary orbit is a circular one, with its revolution period of 24 hours. A GSO satellite appears stationary above the earth, because of its running direction and orbital velocity is as same as the earth’s rotational direction and speed respectively. Therefore, an earth station could point to the satellite at fixed elevation and azimuth angles.
As the sketch map of geostationary orbit shown, the earth’s mean radius is about 6378 km, while the altitude and orbit radius of a GSO satellite is approximately equal to 35786 km and 42164 km respectively. Looking from a GSO satellite, the earth’s diameter is about 17.4o in angle.
Adopting EquiRectengular projection method, the sketch map of the coverage of a GSO satellite located in 105.5oE longitude presents three green lines denoting service areas of elevation 0o, 15o and 30o respectively. The service area of 0o elevation indicates that a GSO satellite could only cover