
第7讲 组合创造法.ppt

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第7讲 组合创造法

实际应用 三、创造发明 实际应用 三、创造发明 统一象棋 实际应用 三、创造发明 实际应用 三、创造发明 实际应用 三、创造发明 游戏拓展---强制组合联想训练 A+B=? A+B+C=? 创新很容易 发明很简单 一创新:组合元素的选定 随机词抽点系统 随机词产生系统 一技法:创意发明小技法—加一加 可在这件东西上添加些什么?需要加上更多时间或次数吗?把它加高一些,加厚一些,行不行?把这件东西跟其他东西组合在一起,会有什么结果? 一发明:组合工具 4.组合技艺主要有二元坐标联想法、形态分析法和信息交合法。 3.组合技法主要有主体附加、同物自组、分解重组和切割组合四种。 2.组合法易于操作,且成功率高。 内容小结 1.组合是将两种及两种以上的技术思想或物质产品进行适当的组合。 课堂练习 下列组合会形成什么设想? 街舞+毡子=? 太极+秧歌=? 京剧+篮球=? * * If you are uncertain about formatting the text elements shown in the above example, simply select the text box from this presentation portfolio slide and copy and paste it into your presentation. Remember to check the positioning of pasted items with the semi-transparent grid provided at the start of this presentation portfolio. Remember to check the positioning of pasted items with the semi-transparent grid provided at the start of this presentation portfolio. If you are uncertain about formatting the text elements shown in the above example, simply select the text box from this presentation portfolio slide and copy and paste it into your presentation. Remember to check the positioning of pasted items with the semi-transparent grid provided at the start of this presentation portfolio. If you are uncertain about formatting the text elements shown in the above example, simply select the text box from this presentation portfolio slide and copy and paste it into your presentation. Remember to check the positioning of pasted items with the semi-transparent grid provided at the start of this presentation portfolio. If you are uncertain about formatting the text elements shown in the above example, simply select the text box from this presentation portfolio slide and copy and paste it into your presentation. Remember to check the positioning of pasted items with the semi-transparent grid provided at the start of this presentation portfolio. If you are uncertain about formatting the text elements shown in the above example, simply select the text box from this pre


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