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Unit 1 Putting in a Good Word for Guilt 2. Vocabulary: (1) An increasing number of children’s books attempt to portray life as it is for members of disadvantaged and minority groups. This year saw the publication of a rich [assortment] of realistic fictions for children aged 8-12 and older. [assortment] n. A collection of various kinds; a variety 多种多样;一批品种多样的收藏;多种多样 (2) People with [narcissistic] personality disorder have a great sense of self-importance. They seek excessive admiration from others and fantasize about unlimited success or power. [narcissistic] adj.自恋的,自我陶醉的 narcissist n.自我陶醉者 narcissistically adv. (3) Studies on film consumers had indicated teenage audience as s a prime market, with the result that Hollywood filmmakers [obsessively] catered to that market, sometimes at the expense of adult fare. [obsessively] adv.强迫性地, 着迷似地 obsessive adj. [1] Of, relating to, characteristic of, or causing an obsession着迷,与着迷有关的或具有着迷特征的 obsessive gambling着迷于赌博 [2] Excessive in degree or nature急迫的,在程度或性质上过分的 an obsessive need to win急迫的想赢的欲望 obsessiveness n.(名词) obsess vt.(魔鬼、妄想等)缠住; 迷住 [常用被动结构]使窘困; 使烦扰 be obsessed by [with] 被...附上[缠住, 迷住心窍] obsessor n.使人烦扰的人或事 (4) Robinson found many savages on this island. They were seen warring, [slaying] and eating each other, and sacrificing one another by thousands to their gods. [slaying ] = slay v.tr.(及物动词) [动词各种形态:slew,slain, slaying,slays] [1] To kill violently凶狠地杀死 The soldiers slain in the battle were burried that night. 在那天夜晚,埋葬了在战斗中牺牲了的战士。 [2] [Slang] To overwhelm, as with laughter or love 【俚语】 深深感动; 压倒, 克服; 使禁不住大笑 Those old jokes still slay me.那些古老的笑话仍让我感动。 Middle English slen, slayen中古英语 slen, slayen slayer n. 杀人者, 凶手 对比词汇:destroy; exterminate; kill ; put to death (5) Attempting to make money from the growing [legion] of both female and male fans of basketball, he started to write love stories with basketball as one of the elements. [legion] n. [1] The major unit of the Roman army consisting of 3,000 to 6,000 i


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