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English in life: Confident Strict Active YOU CANNOT HOLD ONTO YESTERDAY! Discussion: Rules in an English classroom: … * * Nice to meet you, everyone! Do you have more questions about me? Make a self-introduction 1.Name 2.Family 3.Interests Likes: I like____________ I’m fond of ____________ My interests/favourite hobbies are _____ I’m into __________ Dislikes: I dislike /hate __________ I’m not interested in ______ Key words in learning English: Four Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing 1.textbook; 2.other kinds of tapes; 3.simple English songs; 4.CCTV-9; 5.Internet 1.Be active in and after class; 2.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes 1.Morning-reading class; 2. English weekly; 3.Other kinds of materials, magazines Write Weekly Diary using the words, phrases and Sentences that have been learned Practice makes perfect! 模块一 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Welcome to the unit Reading Word power Grammar and usage Task Project Self-assessment About our book What is each unit made up of? exercises reading skills Extensive reading Grammar Grammar study Language focus reading2 Reading strategy Reading 1 Lead-in Warming up Unit(1) 针对本单元的话题提出的 一些问题,以练习口语的形 式做引子,便于进入本单元 的主题 一个单元的主题,涉及的面非常广,要求通过文章的阅读,掌握快速阅读,细读等技巧。预习很重要。 再次回读课文,对课文中出现 的单词,短语,句式结构进行 分析记忆。特别注意笔记, 平时要经常积累 每个单元都有相应的语法 点, 一般都会出现在阅读文章里面。 也是每个单元的难点。在阅读 文章时,就要注意标记, 要注重从根本上理解,再通 过练习加以巩固。 这是每个单元的泛读文章,一般会用1-2节课讲完,学生需根据老师的题目很快的找到所需答案,从大体上理解文章。 English words are too many to remember. English grammar is too complex(复杂的) to learn English passage is too long to read. English composition(作文) is too hard to write. Rome wasn’t built in a Day It took a long time to build Rome; You have to make great efforts to achieve success. A clumsy bird has to start flying early. 学习理念 passive learning active learning enjoy losing face renew 学习习惯 1、课前预习课后复习不算作业,是一种习惯。 2、上课眼到、口到、手到、心到,积极参与课堂活动。 3、作业认真按时独立完成。(但凡发现抄作业或不做作业者,单元课文抄5遍) 4 、早读声音一定要响亮。给自己规定任务。 1.What letter is an animal? 2. Wha


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