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人文知识专讲7美国(3) Politics(政治) General Introduction综述 (1) The State System国家体制 The political system of America is established on the basis of three main principles—federalism联邦制度, the separation of powers三权分立 and respect for the constitution and the rule of law. 美国政治体系基于以下三大原则:联邦制度、三权分立、尊重宪法和法律的规定。 (2) The Constitution(宪法) It is the oldest written constitution in the world. It was drawn up in 1787 and went into effect in 1789. 美国宪法起草于1787, 1789年正式生效,是世界上最早的成文宪法。 It is the basic instrument of American government and the supreme law of the land.美宪法是美国政府统治的基本工具,也是美国的最高法律。 (3) The Federal Government联邦政府 The Executive Branch is headed by the President; the legislative power is vested in the two chambers of Congress; Judicial power is exercised by the judicial branch composed of the Supreme Court and Lower Federal Courts. 行政权归以总统为首的各级政府,且独立于立法权。立法权归国会。司法权归司法机关,即最高法院和下属联邦法院。 2. “Tripartite” Political System(三权分立) (1) Exective Branch行政机构 The chief exective of the US is the president together with the vice president. President is elected to a four-year term and can be elected only two terms. 美国主要行政权归总统和副总统所有。总统每四年选举一次,最多可连任两届。 ★The power and duty of the president are to propose legislation to Congress, to veto any bill passed by Congress (can be overridden by two thirds vote in both houses), to appoint federal judges as vacancies occur, including the Supreme Court members. 总统的职责和权力有:向国会建议立法,有权否决国会通过的任何议案,除非两院中各有2/3多数票推翻其否决,否则该法案就不能成为法律,总统有权任命联邦最高司法官员,可提名任命联邦法官。 ★ The power and duty of vice president include succession to the presidency, presiding officer off the Senate and to vote in the Senate only in the event of a tie, etc. 副总统的权利和职责包括:副总统是总统的第一继任人选,是参议院院长,通常情况下在参议院不具有投票权,仅当参议院100名议员表决结果为平手时,副总统才拥有决定票。 (2) Legislative Branch立法机构 ★ There are two houses of the Congress—the House of Representatives众议院and the Senate参议院. ★ The House of Representatives has a two-year term. It has 435 members determined by the number of districts. The most


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