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大学英语六级改错平行结构(1) At the heart of the NEA survey is the belief that our democratic system depends on leaders who can think critically, analyze texts and writing clearly. (2) Their experiments have shown that reading disorders are most likely the result of what is, in effect, faulty wiring in the brain-----not lazy, stupidity or a poor home environment. (3) The task of learning facts and concepts, one at a time, makes learning laborious, boring and efficient. 2. 动词Viewing biologically, the modern footballer is revealed as a member of a disguised hunting pack. (5) Culture refers to the social heritage of a people - the learned patterns for thinking, feeling and acting that characterize a population or society, include the expression of these patterns in material things. (6) Do not send a photo unless specifically requested. If you have to send one, make sure it is one taking in a professional setting, rather than a holiday snap. 3. 介词短语固定搭配If you are sending your CV electronically, check the formatting by sending it to yourself first. Keep up the format simple. (8) But to sociologists, to be human is to be cultured, because of culture is the common world of experience we share with other members of our group. (9) As we know, smoking not only gives harm to smokers’ health, but also non-smokers who live with them. 4. 名词There is so much voice outside that I can’t concentrate on my study and thinking. (11) If you smoke and you still don’t believe that there’s a definite link between smoke and troubles, heart disease and lung cancer. 5. 冠词Most American businesses are open five days a week. American school children attend the school five days a week as well. 6. 代词The fast-growing population’s demand for food, they warned, would soon exceed their supply, leading to widespread food shortages and starvation. (14) Traditionally, the American farmer has always been independent and hard-working. In the eighteenth century farmers were quite self-sufficient. The farm family grew an


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