britain_introduction_and_history 英美国家概况 教学课件.ppt

britain_introduction_and_history 英美国家概况 教学课件.ppt

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britain_introduction_and_history 英美国家概况 教学课件

British Culture Society Chapter 1 Introduction The Greatness of Great Britain What is the primary reason nations grow to greatness? pub British Who Is Who? Queen Victoria 1. Great Britain: Names The full name of the UK the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and Northern Ireland Great Britain Capital: London Population: 61 million Land area: approximately 240, 000 sq km England Capital: London Population: 48,9 million Land area: 130, 836 sq km Scotland Capital: Edinburgh Population: 5,1 million Land area: nearly 80 thousand sq km Wales Capital: Cardiff Population: 2,9 million Land area: 20, 764 sq km Northern Ireland Capital: Belfast Population: 1,7 million Land area: around 14 thousand sq km The national anthem of Great Britain: God Save the Queen Star Spangled Banner Deutschlandlied(the Song of the Germans) La Marseillaise 2. GEOGRAPHY 2.1 Location Geographical features of Britain: Britain is an island country The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; and the east and southeast are mostly lowlands. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain (1,343m). Severn River is the longest river in Britain (338km). Thames River is the second longest and most important river in Britain. (336km). Lough Neagh is the largest lake in Britain which is located in Northern Ireland. (396 square kilometres). 2. 2 Climate Mild maritime type of climate: A gift of the North Atlantic Drift Current Temperature: -7 to 29 centigrade Rainfall: protracted drizzle instead of heavy showers Lack of sunshine: London’s Pea Soup Fogs 2.3 London When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford. - Samuel Johnson the City of London the City of Westminster the ‘tube’ Thames River Population: 7.2 million Area: 1,580 sq km Heathrow Airport 2.4 Other Major Cities Birmingham (264 sq km/1 million) Factories – coal Manchester (116 sq km/2.3


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