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Profile of the USA movie industry;Hollywood;Brief Introduction 简介 Development of Hollywood 好莱坞发展史 Features of Hollywood Film 好莱坞电影特色 Summary 总结;Hollywood, in its original meaning, is a geographical name. It is situated in the north-west of Los Angeles, California. Due to its fame, cultural identity and the association with film studios and movie stars, the word “Hollywood” is most often referred to the American film industry. ;Many historic Hollywood theaters are used as venues(场馆) for movie premieres(电影首映式) and to host the Academy Awards. Hollywood is also a popular destination for nightlife, entertainment and tourism.;As a part of Los Angeles, Hollywood does not have its own municipal government(市政府), but does have an official(官员), appointed by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce(商业委员会), who serves as an honorary(荣誉的) Mayor of Hollywood for ceremonial purposes only. ;Development of Hollywood 好莱坞发展史;By 1915, the majority of American movies had been produced in the Los Angeles area. By 1920, Hollywood had become world famous as the symbol of the United States film industry. By 1928, several most famous film companies had located in Hollywood and dominated the American film industry.;Hollywood;Warner Brothers Pictures 华纳兄弟电影公司;Hollywood;Hollywood;Famous Movies ;Development of Hollywood 好莱坞发展史;The Academy Awards began to be hosted in Hollywood in 1929. In 1940s and 1950s, commercial television stations(商业电视台),music recording studios and offices began operating in Hollywood. ;The Hollywood Walk of Fame(好莱坞星光大道) was created in 1958 as a tribute(致敬) to artists working outstandingly in the entertainment industry.;Today’s Hollywood is still an area of diversity and liveliness and a significant symbol of American culture. ;Features of Hollywood Film 好莱坞电影特色;Hollywood has done best in the aspect of star, director and investment. These ensure that the films have enough publicity stunts(宣传噱头) to attract people. Hollywood has also been the model


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