山东省临沂市蒙阴县第四中学人教版新目标九年级英语Unit2 教案2.docVIP

山东省临沂市蒙阴县第四中学人教版新目标九年级英语Unit2 教案2.doc

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山东省临沂市蒙阴县第四中学人教版新目标九年级英语Unit2 教案2

Period 2 Section A2 3a-3c 备课日期:2014、9、16 编号:7 学习 目标 1、知识与技能目标:掌握本词汇…to…, shoot down, plan to do sth., try to do sth., refuse to do sth., fly up, so…that…,call out, lay out, start the tradition of 2、过程与方法目标:培养学生提出问题,主动探究、与他人合作的意识,能够收集利用信息的能力。 3、情感、态度与价值观目标:通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的,陶冶思想情操。生词stranger /streind?? (r)/ n. 陌生人 relative /rel?tiv/ n. 亲属;亲戚 短语put on 增加(体重);发胖 句子June would be a perfect time for you to visit.学习宾语从句…to…, shoot down, plan to do sth., try to do sth., refuse to do sth., fly up, so…that…,call out, lay out, start the tradition of 教 学 过 程 导 学 过 程 学 习 过 程 一、导入(启发探究 )在假期中你去过哪儿?做了些什么?说出来与同学们分享一下。 Where have you been in this summer holiday? When did you go ? Why did you go there ? 二、自学(自主探究) 拼读生词,记忆汉语 stranger /streind?? (r)/ n. 陌生人p.10 relative /rel?tiv/ n. 亲属;亲戚 p.10 put on 增加(体重);发胖 p.10 pound /paund/ n. 磅(重量单位);英镑p.10 生词学习 1、relative,relation,relations 2、put on 增加(体重),发胖 put on 穿上put on weight put on ten kilos 3、pound n. 磅(重量单位)英镑(英国货币单位)增加10磅 put on 10 pounds The apples cost one dollar a pound. 生词检测 I am new in this city , so I am a ___________. He often eats a lot,so he 20 pounds again. Jenny is the only in that big city. 三、交流(合作探究) 2a\2b并交流 1.Check the answers to 2a and 2b in pair. 2.再次仔细听磁带,填空 阅读听力材料,读记、翻译下列短语 eat out a lot at least five meals a day put on five pounds! What else did you do ? a great place for shopping! for sure a trip to+地点名词 That’s one thing I didn’t like June would be a perfect time for you to visit. 四、总结After students have had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to come to the front of the room and act out their conversations. 2.Invite a pair of students to say the questions and answers to the class. Look at the board and say . Listen and check the questions they hear. write the letters in the blanks Make conversations using information from Activities 2a and 2a with a partner. 教学札记 通过本课学习,学生



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