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英 语 答 案 卷I 听力部分 I. 1~5. CBACC II. 6~10 CBCBA III. 11~18. ABCABCAB IV. 19~25. CBCCBAA 笔试部分 V. 26~30. BCADD 31~35. CBDAC 36~40. ACABD VI. 41~45. BACAB 46~50. ACDBC VII. 51~55. DBCAD 56~60. DCBBD 61~65. DAACC 卷II 听力部分 VIII. 66. happy 67. anywhere 68. hobby 69. not true 70. write about 笔试部分 IX. 71. when, why 72. produce 73. We could easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space. 74. Food will not be the same—meals will probably be in the form of pills and will not be as delicious as they are today./ space travel will make many people feel ill. 75. 目前,我们的宇宙飞船太慢以致于不能运载大批人去火星,那通常要花几个月的时间。 X. A) 76. set up 77. remains 78. second 79. less 80. heroes B) 81. sending 82. more 83. particularly 84. stored 85. to raise XI. A) 86. Can you play the piano? 87. How many fish did Alex catch that day? 88. Tina is waiting at the bus stop. 89. I don’t think she can drive cars. 90. What a wonderful time we had yesterday! B) One possible version: It is reported that most young people are becoming unfit. Without regular exercise, students are becoming weak. In order to be healthier, I will take the following actions. First of all, I think it is necessary to have enough sleep. It is suggested that we should sleep for at least 8 hours every day. At the same time, I want to have a healthy diet. I plan to have more fruits and vegetables, and eat less meat. What’s more, I decide to spend more time exercising instead of doing homework all the time. In addition, I believe it is meaningful to do eye exercises. In this way, I can protect my eyes well. In a word, I will follow my plan to become healthier 本题共10分,按5个档次给分。评分时根据其内容、语言表达的准确程度及其书写情况分档,最后确定分数。内容要点可用不同方式表达,对紧扣主题的适当发挥可加分。 评分档次: 第1档:(9~10分)紧紧围绕中心话题,内容详实,表述准确完整,语言流畅,语法、拼写无误,书写工整。 第2档:(7~8分)能够围绕中心话题,表述比较清楚,语句较通顺完整,基本上无语法、拼写错误,书写工整。 第3档:(



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