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Warm up by learning about Dr Norman Bethune. 诺尔曼·白求恩的一生 诺尔曼·白求恩1890年出生于加拿大安大略省格雷文赫斯特镇。他的胸外科医术在加拿大、英国和美国医学界享有盛名。白求恩1935年加入加拿大共产党,中国抗日战争爆发后,1938年3月,他受加拿大共产党和美国共产党派遣,率领一个由加拿大人和美国人组成的医疗队来到延安。他的牺牲精神、工作热忱、责任心,均称模范。白求恩以年近50之躯,多次为伤员输血,一次竟连续为115名伤员做手术,持续时间达69个小时。1939年10月下旬,白求恩在河北省涞源县摩天岭战斗中抢救伤员时左手中指被手术刀割破,但他不顾伤痛,发着高烧,坚持留在前线指导战地救护工作。他说:“你们不要拿我当古董,要拿我当一挺机关枪使用。”终因伤势恶化,转为败血症,医治无效,于11月12日凌晨在河北省唐县黄石口村逝世。临终前他讲的最后一句话是:“努力吧!向着伟大的路,开辟前面的事业。” Something about Dr Norman Bethune Dr. Bethune was born in Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada. His grandfather, Norman Bethune was also a noted Canadian physician and founder of one of the first medical schools in Toronto. After graduating from the University of Toronto as a doctor, Bethune moved to Montreal where he was associated with McGill University and taught thoracic surgery. Bethune was an early proponent of universal health care, the success of which he observed during a visit to the Soviet Union. As a doctor in Montreal, Bethune frequently sought out the poor and gave them free medical care. As a thoracic surgeon, he travelled to Spain (1936-1937) and China (1938-1939) to perform battlefield surgical operations on war casualties. Bethunes work in Spain in developing mobile medical units was the model for the later development of Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) units. The need to provide blood transfusions in a battlefield context led him to develop the first practical method for transporting blood. Bethune died on November 12, 1939, of blood poisoning from a cut he received when performing surgery, while with the Communist Party of Chinas Eighth Route Army in the midst of the second Sino-Japanese War. ■Read the passage. On page 74 is an article about Dr Norman Bethune. Now start reading it. While reading, try to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. (阅读过程中,断开/意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭配。) Useful expressions (有用的短语搭配) one of Chinas most famous heroes, ’s



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