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be born on 1.Jingjiu City to be born on Dec.19 东莞京九城将于本月19日诞生收藏指正 2.Polar bear baby Knut was born on Dec. 5, 2006, the first polar bear to be born in Berlin Zoo in over 30 years. This photo shows Knut in his first week. 这只名叫克纳特的小北极熊出生于2006年12月5日,它是柏林动物园30多年来首次降生的北极熊。照片拍摄于克纳特出生后的第一周里。收藏指正 3.[align=center][img]/mmsource/images/2007/01/31/te070131013.jpg[/img][/align] 1、Polar bear baby Knut was born on Dec. 5, 2006, the first polar bear to be born in Berlin Zoo in over 30 years. 这只名叫克纳特的小北极熊出生于2006年12月5日,它是柏林动物园30多年来首次降生的北极熊。收藏指正 4.The be born glass on the side deserves to use the broken beautiful gauze for screening windows of half fluoroscopy, can cut off enter inside the sunlight of excessive, can put on for interior space again rural. 旁边的落地玻璃配用半透视的碎花窗纱,可阻隔过量的日光内进,又可为室内空间添上乡村风味。收藏指正 5.The next target seems to be 22-year-old Mavuba, born on a boat in international waters off the Angolan coast, who is considered one of the best midfielders in Ligue 1. 下一个目标似乎是22岁的马武巴,他出生于从安哥拉驶向法国的远洋航船上,被视为法甲最好的中场之一。收藏指正 6.Saturday Born on a Saturday ,you are likely to be a workaholic. 星期六你如果出生在星期六,很可能是个工作狂。收藏指正 7.Henceforth will I look on all things with love and I will be born again. 从今往后,我要对一切充满常爱心,这样才能获得新生。收藏指正 8.Henceforth will i look on all things with lov eand i will be born again. 从今往后,我对一切都要满收爱心,这样才能获得新生。收藏指正 9.Below normal circumstance, fetal inside week of the number before be born these foetal hair can fall off, there still are these on the body when only those slink babies are born foetal hair . 正常情况下,胎儿出生前数周内这些“胎毛”就会脱落,只有那些早产婴儿出生时身上还留着这些“胎毛”。收藏指正 10.The baby was born on 13 January, so hell be exactly five months this day month. 这个孩子生于1月13日, 到下个月的今天, 他将满五个月。收藏指正 1.Jingjiu City to be born on Dec.19 东莞京九城将于本月19日诞生收藏指正 2.Polar bear baby Knut was born on Dec. 5, 2006, the first polar bear to be born in Berlin Zoo in over 30 years. This photo shows Knut in his first week. 这只名叫克纳特的小北极熊出生于2006年12月5日,它是柏林动物园30多年来首次降生的北极熊。照片拍摄于克纳特出生后的第一周里。收藏指正 3.[align=c


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