杭州西湖文化景观的兴废及其启示 the rise-and-fall of the cultural landscape of the west lake in hangzhou and its enlightenment.pdfVIP

杭州西湖文化景观的兴废及其启示 the rise-and-fall of the cultural landscape of the west lake in hangzhou and its enlightenment.pdf

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杭州西湖文化景观的兴废及其启示 the rise-and-fall of the cultural landscape of the west lake in hangzhou and its enlightenment

60 建筑论坛 Architectural Fourm / 南方建筑 / South Architecture 2013.5 杭州西湖文化景观的兴废及其启示* The Rise-and-fall of the Cultural Landscape of the West Lake in Hangzhou and Its Enlightenment 吴庆洲 Wu Qingzhou 摘要 本文探讨杭州西湖文化景观的兴废及 enlightenment. It discusses how the West historical experiences should be taken as 其启示。文中由西湖的产生及其对杭州城发 Lake was born and how it plays an important our reference. 展繁荣的重大作用,以及苏轼把西湖比作人 role to make Hanzhou to be prosperous, KEY WORDS Hanzhou; the cultural 的眼睛,说明西湖对杭州之重要。文中论述 as Su Shi said that the West Lake being landscape of the West Lake; rise-and fall; 历代西湖文化景观之建设,西湖十景之产生 the eyes of Hanzhou .It also states the enlightenment; historical experience 的历史文化背景及其传统美学内涵,对国内 construction of the cultural Landscape of the * 国 家 自 然 科 学 基 金 资 助 项 目 , 项 目 编 号 乃至世界深远影响,论述杭州西湖文化景观 West Lake in the History and that the Ten 51278197。 的兴废的五方面启示,认为杭州西湖是以水 Sceneries of the West Lake came into being 中图分类号 TU986.5;TU-80 营造城市文化特色的典范,其历史经验值得 and their connotation of China’s traditional 文献标识码 A 参考、借鉴。 aesthetics. All the above has deep influence DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2013.05.060 关键词 杭州;西湖文化景观;兴废;启 over China and the world. Finally, the paper 文章编号 1000-0232(2013)05-0060-09 示;历史经验 expounds the enlightenment in five aspects, 作者简介 华南理工大学建筑学院、亚热带 ABSTRACT This paper studies on the praises the West Lake in Hanzhou as the 建筑科学国家重点实验室,教授;华南理 rise-and-fall of the Cultural Landscape best example with water to make the urban 工大学建筑历史文化中心,主任(广州, of the West Lake in Hanzhou and its cultural features, and points out that it’s 510640) 1 前言 的兴废对我们有什么启示?本文拟对此进行 室”,成为江南大郡。不过比起苏州当时杭   2011年6月25日,“杭州西湖文化景观” 探讨。



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