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高考英语第一轮复习系列试题集(新人教版) 高一篇(上) 单项选择实战训练及精析1 1.When the injured ______to the hospital,they came to ______. A.was rushed;life B.were rushed;life C.rushed;lives D.were rushed;lives 解析:本题考查主谓一致及短语用法。the injured表示“受伤的人”,为复数形式;rush在此为及物动词。短语come to life的意思为“苏醒”。 答案:B 2.Knowing how long the test would last,the students who finished ______ back and waited until the end of the exam. A.settle B.settled C.settling D.to settle 解析: 该题考查句子结构。学生易犯思维定式的错误而选C,其实who finished是定语从句,该处缺谓语动词。 答案:B 3.It took a long time for the excitement to ______. A.die out B.die off C.die down D.die away 解析:从句子所提供的语境以及四个短语动词的用法来分析,此处用die down,表示“兴奋的心情渐渐平静下来”。 答案:C 4.In the dark street,there wasn’t a single person ______she could turn to for help. A.him B./ C.of whom D.toward whom 解析:turn to sb.意为“向某人求助”。先行词是人,关系代词作介词宾语,而介词位于句末,既可用who,whom,that,也可省略。 答案:B 5.Next Sunday is her birthday.I ______her a bicycle as a present. A.allow B.give C.offer D.promise 解析:本句话的意思为“我答应(我)给她一辆自行车作为她的生日礼物”。 答案:D 6.If you ______ your promise,the results will be sure to satisfy you. A.carry out B.carry on C.keep up D.make up 解析: carry out one’s promise为“实践诺言”的意思。 答案:A 7.As soon as she saw her boyfriend,she ______ tears. A.burst into B.broke out C.burst out D.broke in 解析: burst into tears“突然哭起来”;break out为不及物动词短语,表示“爆发”;burst out doing sth.“突然间做某事”;break in不及物动词短语,“突然闯入”的意思。 答案:A 8.John is the only one of the students in the class that never______ a mistake even when it is pointed to him. A.admit making B.admits making C.admit to make D.admits to make 解析:本题考查主谓一致以及非谓语动词的用法。根据主句的结构the only one分析,此处的that应为单数;而动词admit后面只能跟动名词作宾语。 答案:B 9.Please ______a situation where you can put the daily expressions. A.make out B.make up C.make up for D.put up 解析:本句话的意思为“编制一个能使用这些日常用语的语言环境”。 答案:B 10.How do you______ it and what should I______ it? A.deal with;deal with B.deal with;do with C.do with;deal with D.do with;do with 解析:deal为不及物动词,其后需加介词with后才可跟宾语,


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