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Astronomy and Astrophysics 天文与天体物理, 2014, 2, 21-25 Published Online July 2014 in Hans. /journal/aas /10.12677/aas.2014.23003 Estimation for the Change of Eight Planets’ Orbits in the Sun’s Red Giant Phase Linsen Li School of Physics, Northeast Normal University, Changchun Email: dbsd_lls@ th th th Received: Jun. 30 , 2014; revised: Jul. 10 , 2014; accepted: Jul. 30 , 2014 Copyright © 2014 by author and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract This paper examines the change of eight major planets’ orbits in the sun’s red giant phase (RCB). In that time the changes of orbits of major planets are given by the problem of two-body with va- riable mass. The solar mass-loss due to solar wind and photo-radiation results in the change of or- bits of eight major planets. The change for distance from the sun and orbital periods of eight pla- nets has been estimated. The farther the distance from the sun is, the larger the rate of enlarge- ment of semi major axes and periods will be. It is concluded that the influence of solar mass-loss due to solar wind upon the change of orbits of major planets on the phase of red giant is larger than that on the main sequence. The estimated results are list in Table 1. Discussion and conclu- sions are drawn. Keywords Phase of Red Giant, Solar Mass-Loss, Change of Orbits of Eight Planets 太阳在红巨星阶段对8个大行星 轨道改变的估计 李林森 东北师范大学物理学院,长春 Email: dbsd_lls@ 21 太阳在红巨星阶段对8 个大行星轨道改变的估计 收稿日期:2014年6月30 日;修回日期:2014年7月10 日;录用日期:2014年7月30 日 摘 要 本文利用变质量二体问题给出了当太阳到达红巨星阶段时8个大行星轨道改变的情况。太阳在红巨星阶 段由于星风和光子辐射使得



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