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中小企业内部财务控制存在的问题及对策研究 摘 要 本文通过详细深入地探讨了中小企业内部财务控制的相关理论,全面发掘了我国目前中小企业内部财务控制中所存在的问题及其原因,在此基础之上提出了解决对策,对中小企业实施财务控制有启发和指导作用。也为我国中小型企业加强管理、强化内部控制提供理论依据和应用参考。 本文共分为四个部分: 第一部分为绪论,主要介绍了本文的选题背景、目的、国内的研究现状及成果、以及介绍了本文的研究方法和主要内容; 第二部分为理论概述,主要介绍了控制与内部控制的定义、内部财务控制的定义、企业内部财务控制制度的意义等理论知识; 第三部分主要分析中小企业内部财务控制在目前阶段所存在的问题,并对其原因进行了论述; 第四部分为本文的重点,主要是在我国企业内部财务控制现状及成因的基础之上具有针对性地提出完善建议,旨在解决现实问题,为企业内部财务控制提供参考。 关键字:中小企业,内部控制,对策,研究 Study on Internal Financial Control System Abstract This paper discusses the detailed in-depth internal financial control of the relevant theory, we explore our countrys current internal financial control in the problems and their causes, on this basis countermeasures are put forward, the financial control of the enterprises instructive and guidance. For small and medium enterprises in China to strengthen management, strengthen internal controls to provide the theoretical basis and application of reference。 This paper is divided into four parts: The first part is an introduction, the main topics of this article describes the background, purpose, status and domestic research results and describes the research method and the main content; The second part of theory, introduces the definition of control and internal control, the definition of internal financial control, internal financial control system, the meaning of theoretical knowledge; The third section focuses on the internal financial controls at this stage the problems and their causes were discussed; The fourth part is the focus of this paper, mainly in Chinas internal financial controls based on the current situation and causes have put forward a proposal targeted to solve real problems, internal financial controls for the reference. Keywords:Small and medium sized enterprises, Internal Control,Countermeasure ,Research摘 要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1 选题背景及目的 1 1.2 国内研究现状及取得的成果 1 1.2.1 国外研究现状 1 1.2.2 国内研究现状 2 1.3 本文的研究方法及内容 3 1.3.1 研究方法 3 1.3.2 研究内容 4 2 内部财务控制概述 5 2.1 控制与内部控制的定义 5 2.2 内部财务控制的定义 6 2.3企业内部财务控制制度的意义


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