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关于上市公司再融资问题的探讨 摘 要 80年代末,我国证券市场正式成立后,改制上市成为国企改革最有效的途径,证券市场也成为国有企业最主要的融资平台。上市公司通过资本市场进行再融资,不仅可以改善公司的资本结构和财务状况,还可以获得公司可持续发展所需要的资金,使公司实现跨越式发展。 本文内容主要分为四部分:第一,概述了上市公司再融资的定义及方式,再融资是指上市公司通过配股、增发和发行可转换债券等方式在证劵市场上进行的直接融资。第二,讲述了上市公司再融资的现状,虽然上市公司再融资功能越来越受到相关方面的重视,但是目前我国上市公司再融资还普遍存在融资方式单一,融资金额大于实际金额等问题。第三,分析了造成我国上市公司再融资现状的原因,主要是由于我国上市公司股权融资成本低,法人治理结构不完善,证劵市场不成熟和增发融资方式不成熟等原因造成的。第四,对上市公司再融资提出了合理的建议。 关键词: 上市公司 再融资 时机 方式 On the issue of refinancing of listed companies Author: jun chai Tutor: yuanfeng cheng Abstract Late 80s, Chinas securities market established, restructuring state-owned enterprises listed as most effective way, the securities market has become a major state-owned enterprises financing platform. But a long time, many listed companies in Chinas investment expansion in the strong impulse to universal suffering under a thirst for capital, psychological impulse refinancing growing, increasingly large amounts of financing, and even formed some companies compare with each other not normal. The author believes that listed companies through the capital market for refinancing, although you can improve the companys capital structure and financial status, access to company funds needed for sustainable development, The company to achieve leapfrog development. But the listed companies to successfully implement the refinancing activity, the purpose of refinancing should be clear, choose the right time to refinance, to establish a reasonable capital structure, reduce financing costs and to strengthen further the implementation of the process of refinancing the management and control, to avoid becoming thirst for funds, the place, the paper study the specific case of re-financing, refinancing reached a better way and, in the hope of the enterprises they are financing help. Key words:Listed Companies,Refinancing,Mannerway,Opportunity 目 录 一、绪 论 1 (一)课题背景及目的 1 (二)国内外研究现状 1 (三)课题研究方法


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