六年级上册英语课件 Unit 1 第2课时1-人教PEP.ppt

六年级上册英语课件 Unit 1 第2课时1-人教PEP.ppt

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六年级上册英语课件 Unit 1 第2课时1-人教PEP

今日赠言: Reading is to the mind while?exercise?to the body. 读书健脑,运动强身! Unit 1How can I get there? Part A Let’s talk 课前准备: 1.课本、导学案、练习本、双色笔,还有你的激情! By Miss Liang Learning aims (学习目标) 1.借助录音,理解对话大意,按照正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色扮演. 2.在情景中运用句型:Where is the …?It’s near…. st.询问地点并作答。 Read in roles and discussion Task 1:Read the diaglogue twice(2遍) ,and pay attention to the important words. phrases,sentences. (先小组分角色朗读课文两遍,然后讨论不懂的地方) Task2: Find out the difficulties you can’t understand and ask for some help . (标出不懂的地方并求助) 若有解决不了的问题写到前黑板的疑问区 Let’s talk ! 2.Where is the museum shop? 3.Where is the post office ? 1.Is there a museum shop? It’s near the door. It’s next to the museum. Yes, there is. Task :每组可选三人进行朗诵。句子通顺,且语音语调准确可获得展示分3分。 PS:若能脱稿展示可多得2分 Fill in the blanks Wu yifan :Robin,where is the _________ shop? I want _______ buy a __________. Robin:It’s ________ the door. Wu yifan:Thanks._________ is the _________________ ? I want to send it today. Robin: I don’t know. I’ll ________ . Excuse me,sir. Man :Wow! A __________ robot! What a great museum! Robin: __________________? Man :It’s ___________ the museum. Robin: Thanks. museum to postcard near Where post office ask talking Where is the post office next to Thank you for listening! Bye! 教学反思: 本节课的学习目标是:1,能够听说,读,写主要句型:Where is the museum shop/post office?It’s near the door/next to the museum.能在实际情境中熟练运用。 2,能够理解句子:What a great museum!Is there a …?Where is it?本节课的句型不难,难得是单词,museum这个单词比较难发音,后进生总是发不准音。几个待优生会读句型,但是在实际情景中操练还是有点困难,还是需要课后多辅导。六(2)班比六(1)班气氛要好,但是在做预习案的时候发现六(1)班书写比六(2)班要好。


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