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2 1 3 V o.l 2 1 N o. 3 2008 6 W orld Fo restry R esearch Jun2008 * 徐国祯 ( , 410004) 介绍了复杂适应性系统理论产生的背景概念和核心思想, 进而指出 在解决当代资源与环境问题以 及生物生态经济社会等复杂系统及复杂性管理中的开拓性意义; 从森林生态系统的特点出发, 说明 是 一类复杂适应性系统, 指出该理论对于研究森林生态系统的复杂性与林业生态建设的重大意义 复杂适应性系统, 主体, 适应性主体, 森林系统, 森林生态系统 S 718. 55 A 100 1- 4 241( 2008) 03- 000 6- 05 On aV iewpoint: ForestEcosystem is a Complex and Adaptive System X u Guozhen ( Centra l South U n ive rs ity o f F orestry and T echno logy, Ch angsh a 4 10004, China) Abstract: T his paper introduces the em erg ing backg round, concept, core thought and characterist ics of com p lex and adapt ive system ( CA S) . It is po in ted out th at the CA S theo ry is p ioneering and sig- n if icant for so lv ing the issu es at presen t in resources and env ironm ent, such as b io log ica,l ecolog i- ca,l econom ical and soc ial com plex system and com plex m anagem ent. S tart ing from characterist ics of forest ecosystem, the pap er po inted out tha t forest ecosystem is a com plex and adaptive system and the research o f CA S theory w as critical for stu dy the com plex ity of forest ecosystem and fo rest eco log ical constru ction. K ey words: com plex adaptive system, agent, adap tive agent, forest system, forest ecosystem [ 1] 1 , ( Com plex A daptive System, CA S) 1990 ,


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