研究生公共英语听说(下)原文LESSON 1(B).doc

研究生公共英语听说(下)原文LESSON 1(B).doc

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研究生公共英语听说(下)原文LESSON 1(B)

LESSON ONE Resources and Energy PART A 1. W: Could you mail these letters for me, please? M: More letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you. Q: What does the man imply about the woman? 2. W: Does Professor Ford always come to class? M: Is ice cold? Q: What do you learn about Professor Ford? 3. W: Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me? M: How does tomorrow sound? Q: What does the man mean? 4. M: Hey? John! John! W: Save your breath. Hes out of earshot. Q: What is true about John, according to the woman? 5. W: You only have water to serve your guests? M: This isnt just water. This is imported mineral water. Q: What is the implication of the woman? 6. M: Could I borrow a twenty to tide me over till payday next Tuesday? W: You are in luck. I just cashed the check. Q: What will the woman probably do next? 7. M: Jean, didnt you get my messages? I left two on your answering machine. W: Hmm? Oh, sorry, Tom. Ive been meaning to get back in touch with you. It just slipped my mind. Q: Why didn’t the woman return the man’s calls? 8. W: Im sorry, sir, but youre allowed only one piece of luggage on the plane. Youll have to check in one of your suitcases at the package counter. M: Actually, one of these belongs to the woman up ahead. Im just giving her a hand. Q: Why is the man carrying an extra suitcase? 9. W: We need to drive to the city tonight, but the doctor said this medicine might make me drowsy. M: In that case, Id better drive. Q: What does the man think the woman should do? 10. M: Look at all the pollution going into the air from those factories. Do you think theyll ever get under control? W: With the new laws and social awareness, well turn things around. Q: What does the woman predict will happen? 11. W: Arent you cold? Why arent you wearing a jacket? M: I overslept this morning, so I ran out of the house without listening to the forecast. Q



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