研究生实用英语教程学生用书上 第一单元课文知识总结.ppt

研究生实用英语教程学生用书上 第一单元课文知识总结.ppt

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研究生实用英语教程学生用书上 第一单元课文知识总结

Unite one International Meetings -------about the important points Part 3 Knowledge Is Central to Every Aspect of Human Activities Key words 1.Endeavor[indev?]: We should all endeavor to be more considerate of others . Endeavor :an attempt to do sth new or difficult. 2.Convergence[k?nv?:d??ns] :There is no Convergence trouble here, but there may be commutativity .(这里没有收敛性的麻烦,但可能有交换性的麻烦. ) 3.Manifestation[m?nifestei??n]: This riot is only one manifestation of peoples discontent (这骚乱仅仅是人们不满的一种表露而已. ) Manifestation: a very clear sign that a particular situation or feeling exists. 4.Convince[k?nvins]: She was not able to convince me of her beliefs.(她无法使我相信她的信仰 .) (1)[convince sb (of sth)] 使某人确信,使某人明白 . (2) 说服:Its well nigh impossible to convince him. (要说服他几乎不可能.) 5.Modernity[m?d?:niti] :Nationalism, globalization and modernity(民族主义、全球化和现代性) 6.Literally[lit?r?li]: (1)Dont read the report literally now, just skim through it.(现在,不要逐字读报告,大致地看一下就可以了.) (2) It was almost literally an echo , in fact. (差不多就是真正的“回声”. ) (3) Every day is identical with the one before. I literally cant tell them apart.(日复一日过着同样的生活,我都简直说不清哪天是哪天.) 7.Process[pr?ses]: (1) Building a car is a long process.(制造一辆小汽车有很长的工序.) (2)The computer helps us to process reservation rapidly. (计算机帮助我们迅速处理预定.) 8.Serendipity[ser?nd?p?ti]: good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries(善于发掘新奇事物的天赋;易遇奇缘的运气) 9.Abstract[?bstr?kt]:We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract. (我们尽可谈论美的事物,然而美本身却是抽象的. ) 10.Respect[rispekt]: (1) You should respect your elders. (你应当尊敬你的长辈) (2) He did it quite without respect to the results.(他毫不考虑后果就干了) (3) They felt that we had performed a miracle in this respect.(他们感到在这方面我们创造了奇迹) 11.Prime[praim]: (1) The prime of speech development is called the babbling stage.(说话能力发展的最初阶段称为咿呀学语期) (2) Some web content be of assistance to you to absorb the factual prime of the books.(网站上的一些内容能够帮助你汲取书中的精华 ) 12.Elude[i‘l


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