研究生英语human nature课后练习ppt.pptx

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研究生英语human nature课后练习ppt

Human natureThe constancy of human nature is proverbial, as no one believes that a man can fundamentally change his nature.we are agree with this sentencebecause a leopard cannot change its spots.(江山易改本性难移)This sentence tells us the basic nature of human beings does not and cannot change. maybe we can change our behaviors ,our temperament,our dressing, even more our appearence and our body,but human nature is the basic of a person and is a inherent quality ,it is a soul or inner spirit .so it is not improved by the outside world and human being itself.some time we can say he is just like thishuman nature is innate quality of human , there are several natural quality in human.for examplecuriositypossessiveness(占有欲)appetite(食欲)erotism(性欲)hostility(敌意)kindnesscreatedestrudo(破坏欲)envyfrightenrelyloneliness~~~every man unfolds a distinct character over which circumstances and education have only the most limited control . no two people will ever draw the same conclusions from the same experiencesThe unity of opposetes of contradictory(矛盾对立统一) kind and evilwhite and blackyin and yang good man and bad manno one is the identical completely,because we have differenthuman natureWhat the Bible Tell Us About Human Kindness圣经告诉我们的关于人性的善良Human kindness and mercy are much the same in terms of definitions. Mercy is defined in the dictionary as “compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in ones power; compassion, pity, or benevolence. To have this type of human kindness we must free ourselves from vanity, strife, and envy. Human kindness is demonstrated by deeds. Gods mercy toward us is our best example of true kindness. The Bible teaches us that we must treat all strangers with human kindness. Kindness is a key Christian value that God desires for all of us to possess and to show to others. See below for more commentary and scriptures on human kindness.人性之善和仁慈的定义很像。在字典里,仁慈是指“尽自己的努力对违法者、敌人或者其他的人表现出的同情和宽容”。想做到这一点,我们需要释放我们的虚荣之心,减少冲突,杜绝嫉妒。人


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