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考研大作文思路扩展方法 示例与练习 1、解释说明 分论点的内容具体化 思路1:扩展主题句 (条件+假设) 原题:国外的产品涌入本国,会对本国民族工业有危害吗? 驳论手法: 第一句:担心 涌入 威胁 民族工业 Some people are really concerned that the swarming of foreign production into our domestic markets might threaten or even destroy local national industries. 第二句:解释说明 太过于简单化了,事实上,随着而来的竞争会刺激和推动本国民族工业发展 However, the accompanied great (fierce/intense) competition should stimulate and motivate local enterprises to develop positively. 第三句:条件 (when…when…if)设立条件 只要(当)政府采取适当措施(for what?),外国工业的影响就能降低。 Provided proper governmental policies, the () impact of foreign industries could be minimized to an acceptable extent. 第四句:进一步拓展 与之同时,来自于外国企业的先进管理和科技会帮助本国民族企业。 While at the same time, advanced (如何替换) management experiences and new () scientific technologies actually () help (动词如何变名词) to modernize national industry. 第五句:举例 汇源果汁,百度网站,新航道 2、举例论证 例子要体现在具体的人、事物或场合上。 多个例子可以排比。 原题:电脑(因特网)的好处: 例子:做生意、开会(思科网络视频会议),谈恋爱,学习 第一句:主题句 电脑和因特网的好处在于它们使这个世界变成了一个地球村。 Computers and modems have transformed the world into a global village. 第二句: 例子一:发信息 通过因特网,我们可以即时把信息传遍世界。 Messages are sent instantly and immediately around the world via the internet. 反例子:古人:大雁,信鸽,狼烟,马拉松 例子二:做生意(可以用分号) 通过因特网和电脑,不同国家的人可以轻松做成交易。(阿里巴巴,淘宝网,易趣) ;a bargain is made smoothly and swiftly between a gentleman in Russia and a lady in Argentina; 反例子:丝绸之路,过沙漠,穿森林 例子三:在外地工作的人使用网络视频会议系统和国内的同事交流。 ; and workers working abroad could send voice mails and video information by using Net meeting system to their colleagues and employers at home, again by using the computer. 3、对比论证 题目:实际知识与理论知识的选择 正说社会要求我们掌握,反说如果不这样做的话,就会死的很惨。 第一句:主题句 社会的发展需要重视实际的课程。 Emphasis upon practical courses is demanded by our ever-developing society. 第二句:正话 当社会步入信息时代,商业大潮席卷全球,电脑和商业课程等实用课程适合社会发展。 As society has entered the information age and commercialization is sweeping across the world, computer and business courses are geared to the social demand. 第三句:反话 与之相反,如果一个学生不掌握电脑和商业知识的话,他就会落后时代。 Conversely, if a student has little knowledge of computer or b


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