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TOEFL听力精选词汇 英语试的好论坛,推荐给大家,很多好资料下载 infirmary n.医务室 clinic n.医务室 health center n.医务室 be released from hospital/check out of the hospital seminar n.高级课程 demonstration n.示范教学 faculty orientation n.导向课 Scotch tape n透明胶带 poster n.贴在学生宿舍墙上的壁画 notebook notecard proofread v.校正,校对 recreation room n.娱乐室 registrar n.注册老师 furnace n.暖气 section n.小班,版面 racket n.球拍 rug n.地毯 recital n.独奏会,独唱会 trunks n.游泳裤衩 student council/students government/students association n.学生会 refreshment----food by mail:through the mail---write get somewhere/come a long way/make progress be up to sth:Im not up to that.(那事我做不了) trip: n.考察,实习 v.绊倒 put on: 1)put on weight 2)put on make up 3)put sb on pick up: 1)接 pick sb up at the station 2)买 pick up some meat at the market 3)养成 Where did you pick up that bad habit? 4)学 pick up English 5)好转 6)加速 pick up speed fix: fix on breakfast grades: 成绩 cost a fortune/make a fortune/come into a fortune have a fortune on ones side.(福星高照) stuff: green stuff,grocery stuff do ones stuff:发挥...的本领 know ones stuff:懂行,内行 thats the stuff:没错 wind up:end up with,finish up,arrive at cut it out:stop it beat around the bush:拐弯抹角 hold the grudge:记恨 bite off more than one can chew. 表示开夜车的词组 stay up late/be up late/day in and day out/around the clock/burn the midnight oil 表示忙的词组 be up to ones neck in work get my hands full 表示替代的词组 fill in for sb/fill sbs shoes 表示提前的词组 in advance/be ahead of time/before hand 表示冷静的词组 cool off/calm down/settle/soothe/pacify 表示内向的词组 keep ones opinions/ideas to oneself self-conscious,shy,keep to oneself,unsociable,uncommunicative,withdrawn 表示看法的词组 think much(little/high) of have no use for/have no taste for It makes me uncomfortable to 表示同意的词组 You can say that again. You may well say so You said it. Well said. I will say So be it. I see eye to eye with you. And how.(降调) Right on. By all means. Go ahead. I dont wonder. No/little wonder. So does it. As far as I know.(单独使用) No problem. You are telling me. Is ice cold? Does a fish swim? Does a bird fly? Im behind


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