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57. Jimmy earns his living by _____ works of art in the museum.?   A.recovering  B.restoring   C.renewing  D.reviving   57考点:同义词辨析: recover --- restore (oneself) to a normal state: recover one’s health; restore --- bring back to an original condition: restore a building; renew --- make new or as if new again; revive --- return to validity, effectiveness, or operative condition   选B? 58. I couldn‘t sleep last night because the tap in the bathroom was _____.   A.draining  B.dropping   C.spilling  D.dripping 58考点:形近词辨析: drain --- cause liquid to go out from; empty drop --- fall in drops? spill --- accidentally pour something onto something drip --- slowly and steadily falls one drop after another   选D? 59. The book gives a brief _____ of the course of his research up till now.   A.outline  B.reference   C.frame?  D.outlook  59 考点: 同义词辨析: outline --- a statement summarizing the important points of a text? reference --- a work frequently used as a source frame --- a general structure or system? outlook --- a point of view; an attitude? In short, we usually use the word such as summary or outline to refer to a short statement giving the main ideas or facts of something?   答案:A? 4. 表示程度、大小 Arch-, extra-, hyper-, macro-, micro-, mini-, out-, over-, sub-, super-, sur-, ultra-, under- Archbishop; extrastrong; hyperactive; macrocosmos (universe); microcomputer; mini-skirt 5. 表示倾向和态度 Anti-, contra-, counter-, pro- Anti-nuclear, anti-government; contra-flow(一条车辆对开的路); pro-student(站在学生一边的), pro-democracy(支持民主的) 6. 表示方位的 Extra-, fore-, inter-, tele-, trans- Extraordinary, extramarital(婚姻外的); forehead, forearm(前臂); inter-city(城市之间), inter-personal(人际的), interparty(党内的); telecommunication(电讯); trans-world(全世界的), transcontinental(跨州的) 7. 表示时间和顺序的 Ex-, fore-, post-, pre-, re- Ex-professor, ex-student(历届生); foretell(预告), foreknowledge(先知); postelection(选举后的); pre-prepared(预先准备的); reconsider 8. 表示数字的 Bi-, multi-(poly-), semi- (hemi-), tri-, uni- (mono-), Bicycle, bilingual, multi-p



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