第6课 doctrine of stare decisis.ppt

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第6课 doctrine of stare decisis

法律英语 法律英语 Legal English 为了维持判决的一致性,法官判案时往往会参考以前的判决。 判例报告制度发达。 哪个法院的判决具有拘束力? 一个法院通常应该遵循它自己的在先判决,每个法院应该遵循层级较高的法院的判决。 法院一旦就某一情形表达了法律意见,在重大事实相似的未来案件中就应该作出同样的判决。 但是,在满足一定条件的前提下,法院也可以推翻先例或者避免适用先例。 遵循先例原则的理论依据: 1 给法律注入certainty and predicability 2 限制法官的discretion(自由裁量权) 3 保证判决之间的一致性和案件处理的统一性,保证了正义和公正的实现 4 提高了司法效率 5 为法律注入了灵活性因素(bacock v Jackson) Binding precedent: 拘束性先例 条件:涉及相同的法律原则和相似的事实 Distinguish: 区分先例 Overrule:推翻先例 层级较高的法院推翻较低法院的先例,通常还指法院推翻自己的先例 尤其是联邦最高法院和各州终审法院通常者为自己保留了推翻自身先例的权力,虽然为了维持法律的稳定性,它们并不轻易行使这一特权。 明示( overrule expressly)或默示(overrule sub silentio)(不提) 总体上讲,下级法院受到上级法院先例的拘束并应该考虑到自身的先例,但并不受同一层级其他法院或下级法院先例的拘束。 法域 law district Jurisdiction Persuasive precedent: 说服性先例 法院既可以遵循也可以拒绝遵循的先例,但它值得该法院尊重和认真考虑。 1 下级法院的判决对于上级法院而言 2 其他法域的判例对于某一法域而言 3 法官的附带意见( obiter dictum) 4 其他普通法国家法院的判决。 In legal terminology, obiter dictum (plural dicta) is a statement of opinion or belief considered authoritative because of the dignity of the person making it. obiter dictum is not binding under stare decisis, but tends to have a strong persuasive effect, either by being in an authoritative decision, stated by an authoritative judge, or both. obiter dictum in Latin means something said in passing and is a comment made while delivering a judicial opinion, but it is unnecessary to the decision in the case and therefore not precedential (although it may be considered persuasive). An obiter dictum (plural obiter dicta, often referred to simply as dicta or obiter) is Latin for a statement said by the way. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary gives obiter dictum three definitions: literally, something said [dictum] in passing [obiter] . . . an incidental remark or observation an incidental and collateral opinion that is uttered by a judge but is not binding In the third meaning, an obiter dictum is a remark or observation made by a judge that, although included in the body of the courts opinion, does not form a necessary part of the courts decision. An example of an instance where a court opinio


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