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Integrated Writing 的基本类型 ? 转折关系 ? Lecture驳斥Reading ? Lecture 提出Reading未提及的不良方面或问题 ? 延续关系 ? Lecture支持Reading ? Lecture解释Reading 的原因和结果 ? 延续+转折 Integrated Writing 的评分标准 ? The specific ideas, explanations, and arguments in the lecture that oppose or support points in the reading. ---Points in the listening ? A clear coherent structure that enables the reader to understand what points in the lecture relate to what points in the reading. ---Structure of your response ? Coherent and accurate presentations of each point you make---language you use should accurately reflect ideas in the lecture and the reading. ---Grammar and vocabulary What is the Key Points? In Reading ? Main idea --- 核心态度 ? Explanation information --- 主要理由 ? 阅读的文章看出基本结构和主要支持信息 In Listening ? main idea --- 核心态度 ? explanation information --- 主要理由 ? supporting examples --- 细节例子 ? 听力材料听得越多越好 Practice: OG-250 Key points in Reading: ? Team: certain project ? Advantages of team work ? A wider range of knowledge, expertise, skills--work more quickly ? Creative solutions---spread the responsibility ? Rewarding for team members ? Feel better about the work decided by themselves ? Member to shine---results are far reaching Key Points in Listening: ? Some didn’t contribute + Some who worked well and provide insight can not be recognized---members shine ? Contributors feel bad---feel better ? Projects didn’t move quickly (agreements)---work quickly because resources ? Influencers have too much influence (Never work-drop / creative-accepted) ---not included ? project failed, blame all---spread responsibility Practice: OG-282 Key points in Reading: ? Altruism-gain nothing ? Humans: sharing food, donate organs, little rewards ? Animals: Meerkat ① A sentinel – alarm / alerting others ② Gain nothing-without food while others eat ③ Danger-flee alone Key Points in Listening: ? Meercat ? eat before stand guard---gain nothing, without food ? likely to escape, near burrow, but others danger---danger/ flee alone ?


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