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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 电风扇注射成型模具 学院名称 机械工程学院 指导教师 职 称 班 级 模具 学 号 学生姓名 摘要: 本文介绍了是模具结构设计,内容包括塑料注塑模具的工作原理及应用,设计准则以及产品的简介。塑料注塑模的设计计算,包括模具结构设计,注射机的选用,浇注系统设计等方面。在注塑成型行业,快速上市的要求越来越紧迫。它对使用CAD工具建模是一种巨大的挑战。注塑模包括由不同组件组成的许多标准元件,例如,模板、定位环、浇口衬套、顶料销、冷却水管和塞子等。类似的模型结构性增强使某些元件的标准化成为值得关注的课题。标准元件成批生产,因而降低了制造成本。注塑模亦称注射模,其成型原理是将塑料从注塑机的料斗送进加热的料筒中,经过加热熔化呈流动状态后,在柱塞和螺杆的推动下,熔融塑料被压缩并向前移动,进而通过料筒前的喷嘴以很快的速度注入温度较低的闭合模腔之中,充满型腔的熔料在受压的情况下,经冷却固化后即可保持模具腔所赋予的形状,然后开模分型获得成型塑件。这样在操作上完成了一个周期的生产过程。通常,一个成型周期从几秒钟到几分钟不等,时间的长短取决于塑件的大小、形状和厚度、模具的结构、注射机的类型及塑料的品种和成型工艺条件等因素。 关键词:?塑料,注塑模,注塑机 Abstract: In this paper,it is introduction the design of the structure of the mold.It is including the working theory and application of a plastic injection mold,the design princible,and the introducing of production.The design calculation of the plastic mold is including the design of the mold,the selecting of plastic injection mold machine,and the pour system design etc. In plastic injection molding industry, the time-to-market is more and more compressed. This has created a great challenge in building molds with CAD tools. An injection mold consists of many standard components in different subassemblies, such as moldbase plates, locating rings, sprue bushings, ejector pins, hose nipples, and plugs. The similarity of the structural build-up of molds makes certain standardization desirable. This permits standard components to be produced in quantity and thereby reduce manufacturing costs. The plastic mold also name injects the mold, it takes shape theprinciple is the plastic from casting machine delivers in thematerial tube which heats up, after the process heats up the meltingto assume the flow regime, in the plunger and under the screw rodimpetus, fuses the plastic to compress and the forward motion, thenpours into in a temperature lower closed cavity through the materialtube in front of spray nozzle by the very q


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