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摘要:科技型小企业的创新成长是基于核心能力培育的成长,是主要通过知识与智力资源的投入产生创造价值、谋求企业竞争优势的成长。本文在对科技型小企业的成长特征进行系统分析的基础上提出了围绕核心能力的动态演进三维成长模式。围绕核心能力的培育建立知识与技术联盟、在联盟的基础上实现实际资产的联合,以核心能力的强化带动企业规模的扩张,以核心能力的转移扩散实现有利于企业成长的多元化经营。“科技型”企业以民营科技企业和高校、科研机构创办的实体为主,大多有较强的研究开发能力,主要从事技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务和科技成果产业化等活动。近年来,科技型企业逐步成为我国国民经济的生力军,是经济增长的重要推动力。我国现有的科技型企业大多处于初创时期,企业规模小,市场占有率低,竞争力弱,亟待通过长期稳定的发展形成对国民经济具有举足轻重作用的大企业,带动高科技产业乃至整个国民经济的发展。 Abstract : The original was analysed the mechanism that the medium and small enterprises (MSE) grows to maturity ,The problem in view of the MES of our country was propose in the Dissertation 。The MSE can grow to maturity ,rest with that it by oneself haves the competitive advantages、the ability of look for the growth opportunity in the market of never wholely subdivided and incompletely competition 。They have the potential ability of scale economy。 By means of practise thrift the transaction cost and the orgnization and administration expense, the MSE obtain the development。Drawing support from technique innovation and the technique diffusion to grow up and the government improves the grow environment。The problem growing to maturity of MES of our country ,ought to take the strategy of gather group to develop,improve the MSE’s growth environment,Implement the MES growth strategy ,advance the MSE’s growth capability 。Moreover ,living on this base theory to analyse technology type of MSE’s Creative growth, That is based on core competence of the firms,which mainly by inputs of information andj intelligence resources to produce valueable ,work for the growth of competitive advantage。This text bring upped the abilitys dynamic evolution of circue the core competence growth technology type of MSE, the foundation that characteristic proceeds system of Three Dimensions Growth Model。Surround the growing of core competence to establish the knowledge and technique alliance, realizes on the alliances foundation to unite the actual property。Arouse the expansion of the enterprise scale with the


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