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企业入驻合同Service Contract 企 业 入 驻 合 同 Contract Number: Chinamex(USA-2)08/000 合 同 号:Chinamex(USA-2)08/000 Date: / /2009 签订时间:2009年 月 日 Place: Beijing, P.R. China 签订地址:中国北京 Chapter 1 Parties 第一章 合同各方 Article 1 第一条 Party A: Chinamex America Business Service L.L.C (Hereinafter Party A) Registered Address: Atlanta, United States of America Chief Manager: Telephone: Fax: 甲 方:Chinamex美国商务服务有限公司 注册地址:美国乔治亚洲亚特兰大市 总 经 理 电 话: 传 真: Party B: (A Chinese Enterprise) (Hereinafter Party B) Registered Address: Legal Representative: Telephone: Fax: 乙 方:(中国企业) 注册地址: 法人代表: 电 话: 传 真: Article 2 第二条 After amicable consultation by and between Party A and Party B, Party B is willing to sign this contract with Party A and enter into the project of Chinese Enterprises (American) Marketing Center in Atlanta City, State of Georgia, United States of America established by Party A. 甲、乙方经友好协商达成一致,乙方同意与甲方签署本合同,入驻甲方位于美国乔治亚州亚特兰大市的“中国企业(美国)营销中心”项目。 Chapter 2 Contractor Relationship 第二章 合同方关系 Article 3 第三条 Party A will establish a project of “Chinese Enterprises (American) Marketing Center” in America (hereinafter Marketing Center) to provide an economy and trade platform on commodities trade services for Chinese enterprises. Party A will transact the America company registration and visa application for Party B and provide a booth and other services for Party B’s business operation. Party B will enter into the Marketing Center and run its business independently. 甲方将在美国建立“中国企业(美国)营销中心”项目(以下简称“营销中心”),为中国企业提供商品贸易服务的经贸平台。甲方为乙方办理在美国公司注册以及入驻人员的签证手续,向乙方提供可以开展企业经营活动的商铺,并提供有关的服务;乙方入驻营销中心,独立开展经营活动。 Article 4 第四条 Party B agrees that, after the establishment of America Company (hereinafter Party B’s America Company), Party B and its America Company bear the same rights and obligations as that of Party B stipulated hereof. 乙方同意,其在美国注册的公司(以下简称“乙方美国公司”)成立后,乙方及乙方美国公司均享有本合同中约定的乙方相关权利,履行乙方相关义务。 Chapter 3 Company Registration and Business Oper


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