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外贸函电期末复习 Unit one Vocabulary Favorable 有利的,赞成的,良好的 Order 订单 Shipment 装运,装货上船 Phrases and expressions Refer to 提到,谈到,查阅 In accordance with 依照,与...一致 Price list 价格单,价目表 Sales terms and conditions 销售条款 At on’e request 按某人要求 From stock 供现货 As an exceotional case 破例 *additional cost 额外费用 Draw up 起草,草拟 Finalize a deal 达成交易 Due to arrive 预计到达 Put forward 提出 In answer/reply 兹复 As a rule 作为惯例 Reference expressions 1. We have just introduced our new computer to the market, and enclosing sales promotional literature to gicve you full detail. 我们已经把我们的新电脑引向市场了,并且将促销说明文字作为附件供您作详细参考。 2. Would you kindly send us your qutation for spring and summer clothing that you could supply to us by the end of January next? 可以请您接下来在一月底前慷慨地邮寄给我们你能提供的春夏季服装的报价单吗? 3. We hope you agree that our prices are very competitive for these good quality clothes, and look forward to receieveing your intital order. 我方希望贵方能同意我们的价格对那些高质量的衣服来说是很有竞争力的,并期待得到你方的首次订单。 4. We find both qualities and prices satisfactory and, cofirming my telephone concersation with your secretary this morning. 我方对(产品)的质量以及价格都满意,今早和你的秘书确认了电话对话。 5. We are writting to say how pleased we were to receive your order of 23rd May and welcome you as one of our customers. 我们现在写信给您,很高兴收到你方5月23日的订单,欢迎您成为我们的客户之一。 6. We hope that our handling of this your first order with us will lead to further business between us and mark the beginning of a mutually satisfactory working relationshiip. 我们希望对贵方首次订单的处理将会导致我们双方更多的生意并且标志着一个相互满意的工作关系的开端。 7. As we have not received any information from you that goods have been sent, we have to hanve no alternative but to cancel this order. 因为我们没有收到你方的任何关于货物已经被寄出的信息,所以我方只能取消订单。 8. We are pleased to send you, enclesed with this letter, the policy, together with a debit note for US $... for which amount please send us a remirrance as soon as possible. 附件当中,我们很高兴的把保险单还有一份写着XX美元的收款单寄给你,并且请尽快回寄给我们的你们的汇款。 9. We have felt it necessary to make our feeling known since we cannot give reliable delivery dates to our customers unless


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