【精选】Bussiness English 商业英语词汇(五).doc

【精选】Bussiness English 商业英语词汇(五).doc

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【精选】Bussiness English 商业英语词汇(五)

英语知识 journeyman 熟练工人(名词) (noun) A skilled worker who was successfully completed a period of apprentice training in trades such as construction or manufacturing EXAMPLE:The quality of building was quite superior because every worker on the construction crew was an experienced journeyman. 这座大楼的质量非常高,因为每位建筑工人都是熟练工人。 hefty 相当大的(形容词,非正式用语) (adj. INFORMAL) Large, having great size EXAMPLE:The new young manager did so well during her first year that she earned a hefty increase in her salary. 这位年轻的经理任职的第一年干得很好,因此薪水提高了很多。 retrench 紧缩(开支)(动词) (verb) To lower expenditures by reducing or delaying expansion plans; to cut back EXAMPLE:Because the regional economy has turned bad and our sales are low, we have decided to retrench and postpone plans to build a new manufacturing plant next year. 由于该地区的经济已经转糟,而且我们的销售额很低,我们决定紧缩开支,推迟明年建造新制造厂的计划。 split shift倒班 (词组) (phrase) A work period divided into two or more sub-periods that equal a normal working day EXAMPLE: The restaurant was only busy at lunch and dinner so several employees worked a split shift that let them go home during the afternoon. 餐馆只是在午餐和晚餐的时间忙碌,所以几位雇员倒班工作,下午时回家休息。 to kick someone upstairs 架空(词组) (phrase) The practice of promoting someone to a prestigious but powerless position in order to prevent them from doing harm EXAMPLE: Our company presidents elderly father-in-law had been our chief accountant, but he often made costly mistakes so the boss kicked him upstairs to the position of senior vice president. 我们公司总裁年迈的岳父一直是首席会计师,但是他经常犯代价高昂的错误,于是老板将他架空,让他担任高级副总裁的闲职。 intrepid 大胆的,无畏的(形容词) (adjective) Bold, never discouraged, resistant to intimidation EXAMPLE:Our intrepid salesmen are able to persuade even the most hostile and reluctant customers to buy our products. 我们那些无所畏惧的销售员甚至能说服最不友好和不情愿的顾客购买我们的产品。 private label brand 零售商的品牌(词组) (phrase)Products specially produced for a retail business that are s


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