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设计计算 2013 年12 月 第32 卷第12 期 1000-8241 2013 12-1316-04 文章编号: ( ) 子牙新河入海口区的淤积及冲刷对海管 登陆点选择的影响 1 1 2 2 1 刘晓霞 贾旭 刘名名 陈强 徐阳 1. 中海油研究总院,北京100027;2. 大连理工大学,辽宁大连116024 摘要:针对天津南港工业区兴建及渤西油气处理厂迁建项目新建海底管道路由及登陆点选择的需 要,利用数值模型对大区域(整个渤海)开展水动力数值模拟,进而推求小区域(渤海湾)的边界潮位, 对小区域开展水动力数值模拟,同时引入泥沙输运模型,对渤海湾的泥沙运动进行数值模拟,最终获 得子牙新河入海口区域行洪条件下泥沙的冲刷、淤积规律。分析得出:海底管道在子牙新河入海口 区域登陆是可行性的,但其路由及登陆点应远离冲刷深度大于1 m 的区域,基于此提出了两种推荐 方案。(表1,图3,参5) 关键词:子牙新河入海口;海底管道;登陆点;泥沙淤积;泥沙冲刷 中图分类号:TE832 ;TE53    献标识码:A    doi :10.6047/j .issn.1000-824 1.2013.12.013 Effects of sludge and erosion in the estuary of New Ziya River on landing point selection for submarine pipeline 1 1 2 2 1 Liu Xiaoxia , Jia Xu , Liu Mingming , Chen Qiang , Xu Yang 1. CNOOC Research Institute, Beijing, 100027; 2. Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning, 116024 Abstract: In view of the need to choose route and landing points for subsea pipeline of the Tianjin Nangang Industrial Zone, and the relocation project of Boxi Hydrocarbon Processing Plant, numerical model is used to carry out hydrodynamic numerical simulation of the whole region (the whole Bohai Sea) to calculate the tidal boundary of the small region (the Bohai Bay) and make hydrodynamic numerical simulation for the small region. Meanwhile, sediment transport model is introduced to simulate the sediment movement in the Bohai Bay, and finally the erosion and sedimentation pattern of deposits in the estuary area in New Ziya River under the condition of fl


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