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毕 业 设 计(论文)汽轮机故障诊断技术系 别动力工程专业班级学生姓名指导教师汽轮机故障诊断技术摘 要 汽轮机是一种应用十分广泛的旋转式机械设备,主要作为驱动各种生产设备运转的原动机,因此其在工业生产中的地位不言而喻。随着现代工业的发展,汽轮机正向着大型化、高速化、自动化的方向发展,与其他生产设备之间的联系也越来越紧密。因此,一旦汽轮机发生故障而停止工作,将会导致整个生产过程的停滞,造成不可估量的经济损失。可见,机械故障诊断在工程实际中具有相当的意义,它甚至逐渐成为了一种单独的学科门类。本文从汽轮机这一大型设备出发。首先详细介绍了汽轮机故障诊断的历史,然后有分别介绍了汽轮机故障的分类情况和故障参数的主要分析方法,最后根据电厂的实际情况,设计了一个故障检测诊断系统,以说明在汽轮机故障诊断技术在实际应用中的具体原则。关键词: 故障诊断;旋转机械;汽轮机TURBINE FAULT DIAGNOSIS TECENOLOGYAbstractThe steam turbine is a kind of rotating machinery, which is widely used. It is mainly used as the prime mover to drive all kinds of production equipment. Therefore, the position of the steam turbine in the industrial production is self-evident. With the development of modern industry, the steam turbine is developing in the direction of large scale, high speed and automation, and the relation between the steam turbine and other production equipments is more and more close. Therefore, once the turbine fails and stops working, it will lead to the stagnation of the whole production process and cause incalculable economic losses. Obviously, the mechanical fault diagnosis has the quite significance in the engineering practice, it even becomes a kind of independent discipline category gradually. This paper starts from the large-scale equipment of steam turbine. First introduced the history of the fault diagnosis of steam turbine, and then the main analysis methods were introduced to turbine fault classification and fault parameters, according to the actual situation of the nuclear power plant, designed a fault diagnosis system, the specific principles to explain in the turbine fault diagnosis technology in the practical application.Key Words:The steam turbine ;Fault diagnosis; Rotating machinery 目录摘要IAbstractII第一章绪论11.1 汽轮机故障问题研究的意义11.2 故障诊断技术的发展11.3 故障诊断技术的现状2第二章汽轮机故障诊断的基本分析方法32.1 汽轮机故障分析概述32.2 振动诊断检测法42.2.1 振动信号的监测42.2.2 振动信号的分析5第三章汽轮机主要故障的分类133.1 汽轮机故障概述133.2 汽轮机振动基础143.2.1 汽轮机振动的分类143.2.3 转子临界转速对振动的影响173.2.4 汽轮机振动标准173.2.5 小结203.3 转子不平衡2


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