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模块5 Unit 2 Reading 1. survival n. 幸存,生还 survive v. 幸存,生还(survive the accident从事故中生还) survivor n. 幸存者 2. air / water pollution 空气/水污染 3. economy n. 经济 economic adj. 经济的,经济学的 economical adj. 节约的,节省的 economics n. 经济学 4. consultant n. 顾问 consult vt. 请教,商量(If you have any problems, you can consult your doctor.) 查阅,参考(consult the dictionary) 5. debate nu./ nc. 辩论,讨论 the debate over/ about / on … 关于…的辩论,讨论 The problem is under debate. (under debate 在讨论中) debate v. 辩论,讨论 debater n. 辩论队员 6. schedule n. 计划,时间表 on schedule 准时 ahead of schedule 提前 7. open the floor for discussion / questions 自由讨论/提问 8. I am talking to you today about the way (that/in which) large areas of the world are damaged by waste. 当先行词是way时,若定语从句主谓宾完整,从句就用that或in which引导,也可什么都不填。 比较: I don’t like the way (that / which) you told me. 此时定语从句中缺少宾语,要用that或which,或不填。 9. damage vt. / n. 损害,伤害 damage… = do / cause damage to… be damaged by chemical waste 受到化学垃圾的损害10. waste nu. 废弃物,浪费(It’s a waste of time doing 做…是浪费时间的) Vt. 浪费 waste sth on sth / (in) doing… Adj. 废弃的,荒芜的 11. A large amount of money has been paid. Large amounts of money have been paid. amount的后面要跟不可数名词,但是谓语动词的单复数取决于amount。 12. go into the atmosphere 进入大气 13. sick adj. 生病的;恶心的,呕吐的(travel sickness 晕车,晕船,晕机等) 14. Other types of waste flow into our water, killing river and sea life. 这里的killing是现在分词表示自然而然的结果。 flow-flowed-flowed vi. / n. 流动,连贯 The river flows eastward into the sea. (流动) The traffic flows well at this time of the day. 交通顺畅 When the concert was over, lots of people flowed from the hall. 人群涌出 n. the flow of blood / traffic / water 血流、交通流量,水流 15. Much sea life is being destroyed as well. (正在被毁灭) 16. fishing boats 渔船… = large numbers of… 许多,大量(后接名词复数) a large quantity of … = large quantities of… 许多(后接不可数,或复数都可以,相当于a lot of和lots of) a large amount of… = large amounts of… 许多 (后接不可数名词) 18. fish做可数名词: 1)指鱼的条数,单复数同形。(one fish 一只鱼


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