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非同寻常的自行车设计图 Creative and Unusual Bikes November 25th, 2008 | Inspiration | Collection of creative and unusual bicycle designs from around the world. A-Bike Innovative folding bike that weighs only 5.5 kilograms (12 lb) and folds to 67×30x16 cm - small enough to fit in a backpack. [link] Gismo Rocket Powered Bicycle It is powered by two 75lb. Thrust Hybrid Rocket Motors. The frame is made of lightweight T6-6061 aircraft aluminum. “Gismo” features a unique front suspension system designed by Michaelson. [link] Plus Bicycle Plus bike designed by Fabio Bortolani and Ermanno Righi from Dovetusai - the frame actually contain the front and back lights. [link] Unique Wooden Bicycle Jens Eichler got himself some sheets of beech plywood, along with a strong glue and some power tools. After a few months of playing with the concept, he set to work in August 2006 on what would become a tandem bicycle he calls “Renovatia.” [link] Urban Bicycle Concept Unique foldable bike with no chains (or even chain equivalents like drive shafts). Instead, it is hydraulic powered. No chain = no grease, no hanging bits as you fold bikes, fewer parts and less maintenance. [link] Tong City Bicycle Concept This bike features all-in-one housing for the brake system, drivetrain, shock absorbers and gears, where integrated light tubes (customizable in any color you like) are located on the bike itself to increase your visibility. [link] Olympic Rings Bicycle A Beijing resident was promoting the Olympic games by cycling around the city on his own unique bike, decorated with the five Olympic rings. [link] Polygon Bike Concept Polygon bike design concept inspired by a music player. [link] Sandwich Bike Currently in prototype stage, the bike frame is made of two wooden plates, and four identical ’smart cylinders’. It ships flat and can be assembled at home with a single tool. [link] Oryx Bicycle Concept Oryx is an innovative time trial bike with a one-sided fork and chain-stay. Due to its Y-frame shape, i


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