《第3章 信息系统、组织、管理和战略》(下).doc

《第3章 信息系统、组织、管理和战略》(下).doc

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《第3章 信息系统、组织、管理和战略》(下)

第3章 信息系统、组织、管理和战略 (下) (信息系统对组织、管理和战略的影响)P76 Compare the descriptions of managerial behavior in the classical and behavioral models. The classical model suggests that managers perform five classical functions. These functions are planning, organizing, coordinating, deciding, and controlling. Although the classical model describes formal managerial functions, it does not provide a description of what managers actually do. The behavioral models suggest that managerial behavior is less systematic, more informal, less reflective, more reactive, less well-organized, and somewhat frivolous. The behavioral models differ from the classical model in that managers perform a great deal of work at an unrelenting pace, managerial activities are fragmented, managers prefer speculation, managers prefer oral forms of communication, and managers give the highest priority to maintaining a diverse and complex web of contacts. What specific managerial roles can information systems support? Where are information systems particularly strong in supporting managers, and where are they weak? Table 3-4 compares managerial roles with the support systems. Information systems support the liaison, nerve center, disseminator, spokesperson, and resource allocator roles. Currently information systems do not support the figurehead, leader, entrepreneur, disturbance handler, and negotiator roles. Information systems are the strongest at the informational role and the weakest at the interpersonal and decisional roles. 如课件4.12所展示的,在实践中,人们通过观察已经发现,一些管理信息系统可以帮助管理者扮演好一些管理角色,包括:联络人角色、神经中枢角色、信息传播者角色、组织发言人角色和资源分配者角色。但是,现有的管理信息系统,由于技术上的原因和相关管理理论的缺乏,还不能很好地支持管理者扮演好另外五类角色,即:组织形象代言人角色、领导者角色、企业家角色、动乱处理者角色和谈判者角色。总的来说,目前的管理信息系统,在支持管理者扮演好信息角色方面,支持力度最强,而在人际较色和决策角色方面,支持力度还比较弱。 Compare individual and organizational models of decision making. Individual models of decision making assume that human beings are in some sense rational, although there are a number of individual models. The rational model assumes that individu


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