雅思高分范围 旅游类.doc

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雅思高分范围 旅游类

1 In the past, people used to travel to see the difference from their home country. However, the sceneries in places around the world seem similar nowadays. What are the causes of these similarities? Do you think that the advantages of this similarity outweigh the disadvantage? 为什么现在各地的景色都很相似呢?这种现象好处多还是坏处多 2 International tourism has become a huge industry in the world. Are the problems that international travelers cause great than the advantages they bring? 类似:8 Some people think international tourism brings more problems than benefits. To what extend do you agree or disagree? 国际旅游利大于弊还是弊大于利 3 International tourism is now the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, it brings tension rather than understanding between the people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 国际旅游带给不同地区人们之间的关系紧张而不是理解吗? 类似:7 Some people think tourists should follow the behaviors and of the local people. To what extend do you agree? 游客是跟随当地习俗吗? 6 Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the word. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 4 Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Other believes it is the only way to save these traditions.Discuss on both sides and give your opinion. 当传统被用作赚钱的旅游项目时,它会被破坏吗?还是这是唯一的保护方式呢 5 Some people point out that there will be less international travel in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative trend? 以后国际旅游会减少。这种趋势积极还是消极? In the past, people used to travel to see the difference from their home country. However, the sceneries in places around the world seem similar nowadays. What are the causes of these similarities? Do you think that the advantages of this similarity outweigh the disadvantage? International becomes increasingly popular in present age. People re


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