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Finance Plan Entrepreneurial Report for HLL Introduction 近几年来电子信息技术的大大电子产品的更新换代。新型电子产品——HLLHLL 的功能end message to make a telephone call, -Supports MP3 MP4 -With USB Flash Disk function (you can use it like an USB, it can straightly connect the computer without any wires) -Using solar energy absorption -Blue-tooth All in one HLL功能完善,能同时满足使用者各种需求HLL体积小、重量轻,偏于使用和携带HLL外观时尚、受年轻消费群体的喜爱。HLL会有广阔的市场前景。This report mainly contains three partss: the marketing plan, the finance plan and the entrepreneur recruitment plan. The marketing plan section will brief summary the marketing data, analysis, objectives and strategy. The Finance Plan will explain our own proposed final forecasts for Cash-Flows, and Profit Loss accounts, as well as Break-Even Analysis, capital requirements, and leading performance indicators Analysis. The entrepreneur recruitment plan will justify for seeking an entrepreneur; determine the characteristics he/she would have to display - in the form of a job description - and how these would benefit the organization. 2. Market Analysis 2.1 About aim and objectives for HLL 根据市场调查和财务分析,HLL 预期在投产三年后达到如下目标: The marketing objectives Expecting sales unit: 27,000 units Marketing share: coverage 3.3%—5% in domestic market and also has sells the product bounded the services online. The financial objectives 1. Total spending will be ideally controlled in £4,000,000 during three years. 2. Total revenue of three year is £4,000, 000. 3. The expected value of profit is £400,000. 2.2 Marketing Strategies 20世纪60年代美国的市场营销学者麦肯锡教授提出4P理论,即企业在从事营销活动时可以通过对目标市场的选择、分析和定位,并针对目标市场展开产品(Product)、价格(Price)、分销(Promotion)、渠道(Place)等四个方面的策略从而实现企业的目标.该理论的优势显而易见:它把企业营销过程中可以利用的成千上万的因素概括成四个大因素,非常简明、易于把握。得益于这一优势,它不径而走,很快成为营销界和营销实践者普遍接受的一个营销组合模型。本报告也是从这四个方面着手对HLL的销售制定了科学的策略。 产品(Product注重开发的功能,要求产品有独特的卖点。通过对消费者的购买行为和心理的研究公司将产品的重心放在保证功能基础上价格 (Price)根据不同的市场定位,制定不同的价格策略,既避开了与的正面竞争,又提升了品牌形象,同时,高端市场竞争对手少利润大。£150,以后视市场情况进行调整。 分销 (Place)企业并不直接面对消费者,而是注重销商的培育和销售网络的建立对市场的管理很大程度上体现在对的控制上。管理不善很难建立规范的价格管理体系


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