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Homework 2道翻译题(在后面) 准备明天听写(包括今天讲解过的3道翻译题,上课内容以及Vocabulary I和Vocabulary II 所有单词和词组) 完成导学卷剩下的所有题目 * 1 从事很多高要求的工作 2 制定计划 3 向某人解释某事 4 对……有影响 5 把……当作 6 这个工作需要我加班。 7 对…耐心 8 (某人) 参加/卷入 9 下定决心做某事 10 储存信息 11让某人有所了解 12 秘书 13由…组成 14 专业人员,专业的,职业的 15那个年轻人已下定决心要参加社会的各种活动(involve) 1 从事很多高要求的工作 take up much demanding work 制定计划 work out a plan 向某人解释某事 explain sth to sb 对……有影响 have / make an impact on 把……当作 regard…as 这个工作需要我加班 The job involves my/me working overtime. 7 对…耐心 be patient with 8 (某人) 参加/卷入 be involved in 9 下定决心做某事 make up one’s mind to do/ be determined to do 10 储存信息 store information 11 让某人有所了解 give sb some idea 12 秘书 secretary 13 由…组成 be made up of/ consist of / be composed of 14专业人员,专业的,职业的 professional 15那个年轻人已下定决心要参加社会的各种活动(involve) The young man has made up his mind to be involved in various activities in society./ various social activities. 汤姆离开了会议室,因为他不想卷入这场无意义的讨论. (involve) Tom leaves meeting room, because he doesn’t want to involve the meaningless discuss. Tom left the meeting room because he didn’t want to be involved in the meaningless discussion. / he didn’t want to involve himself in the meaningless discussion. 你长大以后想从事写作吗?(take up) Do you want to take up writing when you grows up? 学校教育、家庭和朋友对人们的一生有很大的影响。(impact) Do you want to take up writing when you grow up? The school education and family and friends are impact on all through people’s life. School education, family and friends make/ have a great impact on people all through their lives. *


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