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Chapter 16 Managing Change Nelson Quick Organizational Change External Forces for Change Internal Forces for Change Scope of Change Incremental change - change of a relatively small scope, such as making small improvements Strategic change - change of a larger scale, such as organizational restructuring Transformational change - change in which the organization moves to a radically different, and sometimes unknown, future state The Change Agent’s Role Change agent - the individual or group who undertakes the task of introducing and managing a change in an organization Internal Change Agents Advantages know past history, political system, and culture must live with results of change so will move carefully Disadvantages may be associated with factions, accused of favoritism may be too close to the situation to be objective External Change Agents Advantages outsider’s objective view impartiality Disadvantages limited knowledge of organization’s history may be viewed with suspicion Resistance to Change Fear of the unknown Fear of loss Fear of failure Disruption of interpersonal relationships Personality conflicts Politics Cultural assumptions and values Dealing with Resistance to Change Communication details rationale Participation in the process ownership commitment Empathy and support Lewin’s Three Step Change Model 1. Unfreezing - involves encouraging individuals to discard old behaviors by shaking up the equilibrium state that maintains the status quo 2. Moving - new attitudes, values, and behaviors are substituted for old ones 3. Refreezing - involves the establishment of new attitudes, values, and behaviors as the new status quo Force Field Analysis of Decision to Engage in Exercise Forces for change Weight gain Minimally passing treadmill test Feel lethargic; have no energy Family history of cardiovascular disease New, physically demanding job Forces for status quo Lack of time No exercise facility at work Spouse/partner hates to exercise No i


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