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燕山 A woman was saved from certain death yesterday when she fell from the balcony(阳台) of her apartment in Central London. She was caught by the man who lives in the apartment below hers. The woman, Barbara Hanley, lives on the 11th floor of Regents Towers, an apartment block overlooking Regents Park. Her neighbor, Alan Anderson, a record producer who works at Curved Sound studios, happened to be working at home. “I suddenly heard this woman shouting,” he said. “At first I was a bit put out, because I was listening to some backing tracks I had recorded with a new band last week and I needed absolute silence. Then it suddenly occurred to me that whoever was making the noise was right outside my window. And I live on the 10th floor! He ran through the French windows of his living room onto the balcony. At that very moment, Ms Hanley lost her hold on the balcony above and fell. Mr. Anderson leapt forward and caught her, managing to pull her onto his balcony. She thereby avoided plunging to the ground which would almost certainly have led to her death. “She was hysterical for a few minutes,” said Mr. Anderson. “When she calmed down, she was able to explain what had happened.” Ms Hanley works in the lizard house at London Zoo and recently brought home a Montane chameleon(美洲变色蜥蜴), which was due to take up residency at the zoo. The chameleon’s cage at the zoo wasn’t ready, so she had agreed to look after the lizard at home for a few days. Unfortunately, it had escaped from its cage and climbed to the top of a plant on her balcony. She had climbed onto her balcony to take it back, but tripped and grabbed the edge(边缘) of the balcony with her fingertips as she fell. She then began to scream as loudly as she could, but it was three o’clock in the afternoon, and the building was, as usual at that time of day, almost empty. It was completely by chance that Mr. Anderson had chosen to work at home and saved her when she fell. 57. According to this passage, what does Barbar


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