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007系列之《微量情愫》   Daniel Craig’s second outing as Bond follows on from where Casino Royale left off, with 007 determined to find out the truth behind his betrayal by Vesper Lynd, the woman he loved. Marc Forster directs…   Even before the title was announced on 24 January 2008, much was already known about Bond 22, the follow-up to Casino Royale.   However, before we get 1)embroiled in details of the plot and production, that title needs a little explanation. Unless you’re an obsessive fan of all things Bond-related, you may not be aware that Quantum of Solace was a short story written by Bond creator Ian Fleming and first published in a magazine in 1959. Later it appeared in the 1960 short story collection For Your Eyes Only, Fleming’s eighth Bond book, which lent its name to the twelfth Bond film in 1981.   Unlike the traditional Bond tales, the story Quantum of Solace was more of an experimental parable, in which Bond is attending a tedious dinner party at the governor’s house in 2)Nassau, in the 3)Bahamas. After the guests have left, the governor recounts a tale to Bond involving a civil servant and an air hostess, the moral of which concerns lost love and revenge. The phrase “quantum of solace” itself refers to the final 4)motes of compassion.   After the announcement that the name of the story were being used for the film, Craig explained, “If you don’t have that quantum of solace then there’s not much worth fighting for. It’s a lot to do with where he’s at from the end of the last movie. He’s had his heart broken and he’s going out to find the guy who is responsible.”   If you recall, Casino Royale culminated with the collapsing building in Venice in which Vesper died. Mr White (5)Jesper Christensen), the mysterious   6)assassin who was involved with the blackmailing of Vesper, was tracked by Bond and captured.   The official synopsis of Quantum of Solace reveals that Bond and M(7)Judi Dench) learn of the powerful organisation behind White through his i


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