15 ThingS Highly Confident People Dont Do 自信十足的人从不会做的15件事.docVIP

15 ThingS Highly Confident People Dont Do 自信十足的人从不会做的15件事.doc

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15 ThingS Highly Confident People Dont Do 自信十足的人从不会做的15件事   生活中,挫折在所难免,什么事都可能随时发生,唯有自信十足的人才能够勇敢而坦然地去面对。怎样才能做到不无端地怀疑自己,走出困惑的泥潭?别让以下这15件负面消极的事情消耗你宝贵的时间,相信你也可以成为一个自信十足的人。   Highly confident people believe in their ability to achieve. If you dont believe in yourself, why should anyone else put their faith in you? To walk with swagger and improve your self-confldence, watch out for these fifteen things highly confi-dent people dont do.   自信十足的人相信自己的实力,一定会取得成功。如果连你自己都不信任自己,别人凭什么对你托付信任呢?想昂首阔步,提升自信吗?一起来看看15件自信十足的人从不会做的事情吧!   1. They Dont Make Excuses   从不找借口   Highly confident people take ownership of their thoughts and actions. They dont blame the traffic for being tardy2 at work; they were late. They dont excuse their short-comings with excuses like“I dont have the time. or lm just not good enough.; they make the time and they keep on improving until they are good enough.   自信十足的人会对自己的思想和行为负责。他们不会把上班迟到归咎于交通堵塞――迟到就是迟到。他们也不会用“我没有时间”或者“我不够优秀”来原谅自身的不足――他们会挤出时间,并不断提高自己直至足够满意。   2. They Dont Avoid Doing the Scary Thing   从不回避令人恐惧的事   Highly confident people dont let fear dominate their lives. They know that the things they are afraid of doing are often the very same things that they need to do in order to evolve into the person they are meant to be.   自信十足的人不会让恐惧支配他们的生活。因为他们清楚,他们不敢去做的事情,往往就是想要成为理想中的人而必须去做的事情。   3. They Dont Live in a Bubble of Comfort   从不生活在泡沫般的舒适中   Highly confident people avoid the comfort zone, because they know this is a place where dreams die. They actively pursue a feeling of discomfort, because they know stretching themselves is mandatory3 for their success.   自信十足的人往往避免进入舒适地带,因为他们知道梦想将被扼杀于此。他们积极追求一种不舒适的感觉,因为他们知道要想成功,必须要尽最大的努力。   4. They Dont Put Things off Until Next Week   从不把任务拖到下周   Highly confident people know that a good plan executed today is better than a great plan executed someday. They dont wait for the“right time”or the“right circumstances”, because they know these reactions are based on a fear of change. They take action


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