
PROE Config配置详解.doc

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PROE Config配置详解

Config配置详解 ? 环境变量是用来设置 Pro/E的工作环境的,你可以在文件里进行设置。您可以按开头字母查找。 ? Configuration option name. ? Associated variables or values. The default values for the options are shown in italics. ?Product type for which the option is used, if the option is specific to one type (for example, Layout, Assembly, Part, Drawing, and so on). ?Brief description.h accuracy_lower_bound value (between 1.0e-6 and 1.0e-4) Enter an accuracy value to override the default lower limit of 0.0001. The upper limit is fixed at 0.01. add_weld_mp yes, no ?搚es敆the system includes welds when calculating mass properties. 000 ?搉o敆the system excludes welds when calculating mass propertiess. allow_confirm_window yes, no Display a confirmation window when exiting Pro/ENGINEER. This enables you to use the mouse to confirm/cancel exiting Pro/ENGINEER. allow_move_view_with_move yes, no When set to 搚es,?allows the Move command in Drawing mode to move drawing views. t allow_cycle_optimize yes, no Prior to Release 18.0, there was a sequence parameter for holemaking that allowed users to optimize the cycle output to CL-data of holemaking sequences. This parameter has not been available since Release 18.0. ?yes梞akes the parameter visible in the sequenceam ?no梩he parameter is not visible in the sequenceam allow_mod_attach_draft_dim yes, no ?no桝 #Detail, #Mod Attach is obsolete for draft feature dimensions; use #Detail, #Move to move the placement of the dimension along the same edge.ce ?yes梂hen performing a #Detail, #Mod Attach to a draft feature dimension, you can select a different edge of the same feature to which to attach the dimension. The available edges for selection highlight in magenta. allow_move_attach_in_dtl_move yes, no Determines if the Move and Move Attach commands in drawing mode act together (yes) or not (no). allow_old_style_round yes, no Determines which round-creation functionality the system uses. ?搚es敆Uses old (Release 16.0) functionality. y t ?搉o敆Uses new functionality. fu allow_ply_cros


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