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基于JPEG压缩编码的数据压缩算法的研究与实现 摘 要 JPEG压缩方法由于其较高的压缩比和理想的压缩效果,是目前应用最广泛的图像压缩方法。它采用一种特殊的有损压缩算法,将不易被人眼察觉的图像颜色删除,从而能够将图像压缩在很小的储存空间。JPEG压缩技术十分先进,它用有损压缩方式去除冗余的图像数据,在获得极高的压缩率的同时能展现十分丰富生动的图像,换句话说,就是可以用最少的磁盘空间得到较好的图像品质。 本文对JPEG图像压缩方法进行了基本介绍,包括它的发展历史,现阶段的研究情况,压缩原理等。其中重点介绍了哈夫曼编码和游程编码的基本原理和在JPEG压缩编码算法中的具体应用,以及以变换编码方法为例,介绍了离散余弦变换(DCT)的基本过程。最后介绍了用VC++编写JPEG压缩程序所涉及到的几个基本模块,从而实现了BMP图像和JPEG图像的相互转换,这也是最主要的编程思想和依据。 关键词: 图像压缩,JPEG,DCT,哈夫曼编码,行程编码 ABSTRACT JPEG compression is the most widely used image compression method because of its higher compression ratio and ideal compression effect. It uses a special lossy compression algorithm and deletes colors of images that is not detected easily by human eye, thus images can be compressed in a small storage space. JPEG compression technology is very advanced, it is used lossy compression methods to remove redundant image data. Thus, high compression ratios can be got, at the same time, a very rich and vivid images can be displayed, in other words, it is possible to get better image quality with the least disk space. The paper introduces the JPEG compression algorithm firstly, including its history and the basic situation of this stage, compression principle, and so on. Referring to the JPEG compression method, the paper focuses on the basic tenets of Huffman coding and run-length coding and their specific application in JPEG compression algorithm. To transform coding method as an example, it introduces the discrete cosine transform (DCT) the basic process. Finally, Using the VC + +, it involves several basic modules of JPEG compression process and realizes the BMP images and JPEG image conversion, which is the most important ideological basis for programming. KEY WORDS:Image compression, JPEG, DCT, Huffman coding, run-length coding 第一章 绪论 1.1 图像压缩的意义 人类社会已经进入信息时代了,在这个时代,人们每天都可以通过各种手段(如PDA、网络、电视、广播等等)获得大量的信息,而信息的本质,就要求交流和传播,在有必要的时候还要进行储存。在大量信息给人们生活增加了更多色彩的同时,随之而来的问题就是,如何利用有限的传输和储存资源来传输和保存更多的信息,这就要用到压缩数据的方法。具体的说,数据压缩的意义[1]有以下几个方面:首先是为了减少存储容量,以利信息的保存。如


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